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7 <title>Setting up a paste service with Vim, rsync, and nginx</title>
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20 <h2 id="setting-up-a-paste-service-with-vim-rsync-and-nginx">Setting up a paste service with Vim, rsync, and nginx</h2>
21 <p>2021-01-14 00:00</p>
22 <p>This page will guide you through setting up a paste service with Vim, rsync, and nginx. We will be using Vim’s <code>:TOhtml</code> command to use your current Vim <code>colorscheme</code> to provide syntax highlighting in HTML form.</p>
23 <h3 id="page-overview">Page overview</h3>
24 <!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM -->
25 <ul>
26 <li><a href="#reasoning-for-this-guide">Reasoning for this guide</a></li>
27 <li><a href="#page-conventions">Page conventions</a></li>
28 <li><a href="#assumptions">Assumptions</a></li>
29 <li><a href="#requirements-on-your-local-machine">Requirements on your local machine</a></li>
30 <li><a href="#preparing-your-server">Preparing your server</a>
31 <ul>
32 <li><a href="#setting-up-dns-records-on-digitalocean">Setting up DNS records on DigitalOcean</a>
33 <ul>
34 <li><a href="#to-setup-dns-records-on-digitalocean">To setup DNS records on DigitalOcean</a></li>
35 </ul></li>
36 <li><a href="#creating-a-new-domain-directory">Creating a new domain directory</a>
37 <ul>
38 <li><a href="#to-create-a-new-domain-directory">To create a new domain directory</a></li>
39 </ul></li>
40 <li><a href="#configuring-nginx">Configuring nginx</a>
41 <ul>
42 <li><a href="#to-configure-nginx">To configure nginx</a></li>
43 </ul></li>
44 <li><a href="#setting-up-your-paste-service-domain-with-certbot">Setting up your paste service domain with certbot</a>
45 <ul>
46 <li><a href="#to-setup-your-paste-service-domain-with-certbot">To setup your paste service domain with certbot</a></li>
47 </ul></li>
48 </ul></li>
49 <li><a href="#preparing-your-local-machine">Preparing your local machine</a>
50 <ul>
51 <li><a href="#creating-a-paste-directory">Creating a paste directory</a>
52 <ul>
53 <li><a href="#to-create-a-paste-directory">To create a paste directory</a></li>
54 </ul></li>
55 <li><a href="#creating-a-landing-page-for-the-paste-service">Creating a landing page for the paste service</a>
56 <ul>
57 <li><a href="#to-create-a-landing-page-for-the-paste-service">To create a landing page for the paste service</a></li>
58 </ul></li>
59 <li><a href="#setting-up-a-generic-file-pasting-script">Setting up a generic file-pasting script</a>
60 <ul>
61 <li><a href="#to-setup-a-generic-file-pasting-script">To setup a generic file-pasting script</a></li>
62 </ul></li>
63 <li><a href="#setting-up-a-generic-file-pasting-script-for-plaintext-files">Setting up a generic file-pasting script for plaintext files</a>
64 <ul>
65 <li><a href="#to-setup-up-a-generic-file-pasting-script-for-plaintext-files">To setup up a generic file-pasting script for plaintext files</a></li>
66 </ul></li>
67 <li><a href="#setting-up-a-generic-file-synchronizing-script">Setting up a generic file-synchronizing script</a>
68 <ul>
69 <li><a href="#to-setup-a-generic-file-synchronizing-script">To setup a generic file-synchronizing script</a></li>
70 </ul></li>
71 <li><a href="#setting-up-vim">Setting up Vim</a>
72 <ul>
73 <li><a href="#to-setup-vim">To setup Vim</a></li>
74 </ul></li>
75 </ul></li>
76 <li><a href="#using-the-paste-service">Using the paste service</a>
77 <ul>
78 <li><a href="#uploading-a-code-snippet-from-vim">Uploading a code snippet from Vim</a>
79 <ul>
80 <li><a href="#to-uploading-a-code-snippet">To uploading a code snippet</a></li>
81 </ul></li>
82 <li><a href="#uploading-a-generic-file">Uploading a generic file</a>
83 <ul>
84 <li><a href="#to-upload-a-generic-file">To upload a generic file</a></li>
85 </ul></li>
86 <li><a href="#uploading-a-generic-file-in-plaintext-format">Uploading a generic file in plaintext format</a>
87 <ul>
88 <li><a href="#to-upload-a-generic-file-in-plaintext-format">To upload a generic file in plaintext format</a></li>
89 </ul></li>
90 <li><a href="#removing-a-file">Removing a file</a>
91 <ul>
92 <li><a href="#to-remove-a-file">To remove a file</a></li>
93 </ul></li>
94 </ul></li>
95 </ul>
96 <!-- vim-markdown-toc -->
97 <h3 id="reasoning-for-this-guide">Reasoning for this guide</h3>
98 <p>I’m writing this guide, not only because it’s a really basic way to show code to friends, but also because I love writing my own little tools and learning about web servers and network infrastructure.</p>
99 <h3 id="page-conventions">Page conventions</h3>
100 <ul>
101 <li><strong>Note</strong>: Signifies additional information</li>
102 <li><strong>Tip</strong>: Signifies an alternative procedure for completing a step</li>
103 <li><strong>Warning</strong>: Signifies that damage, such as data loss, may occur</li>
104 <li><strong>Example</strong>: Shows how a procedure would be performed in a real scenario</li>
105 <li><code>Inline code and code blocks</code>: Signify package names, filenames, file contents, or commands</li>
106 <li><code></code>: Replace this with your domain name.</li>
107 </ul>
108 <h3 id="assumptions">Assumptions</h3>
109 <p>This guide assumes:</p>
110 <ul>
111 <li>You are using a Ubuntu server on a DigialOcean droplet</li>
112 <li>You are using nginx to serve your web content</li>
113 <li>You manage your SSL/TLS certificates with certbot</li>
114 <li>You have your domain name setup with DigitalOcean’s name servers</li>
115 <li>You have your SSH keys setup with your server</li>
116 <li>You have root access to your server</li>
117 </ul>
118 <h3 id="requirements-on-your-local-machine">Requirements on your local machine</h3>
119 <ul>
120 <li>rsync</li>
121 <li>vim</li>
122 </ul>
123 <h3 id="preparing-your-server">Preparing your server</h3>
124 <p>You will need to create a directory for the files you will paste, a landing page in case users decide to navigate to your <code>paste.</code> subdomain, configure nginx to serve the paste directory, and setup SSL/TLS for your domain.</p>
125 <p>This section consists of the following topics:</p>
126 <ul>
127 <li><a href="#setting-up-dns-records-on-digitalocean">Setting up DNS records on DigitalOcean</a></li>
128 <li><a href="#creating-a-new-domain-directory">Creating a new domain directory</a></li>
129 <li><a href="#creating-a-landing-page-for-the-paste-service">Creating a landing page for the paste service</a></li>
130 <li><a href="#configuring-nginx">Configuring nginx</a></li>
131 <li><a href="#setting-up-your-paste-service-domain-with-certbot">Setting up your paste service domain with certbot</a></li>
132 </ul>
133 <h4 id="setting-up-dns-records-on-digitalocean">Setting up DNS records on DigitalOcean</h4>
134 <p>Setting up DNS records for <code></code> allows DigitalOcean to know about your new subdomain.</p>
135 <h5 id="to-setup-dns-records-on-digitalocean">To setup DNS records on DigitalOcean</h5>
136 <ol type="1">
137 <li>Add an A record for <code></code> to your DigitalOcean droplet</li>
138 <li>Add an AAAA record for <code></code> to your DigitalOcean droplet</li>
139 </ol>
140 <aside class="border">
141 <p>
142 <strong>Note</strong>: You may need to wait a few minutes for the DNS records to update.
143 </p>
144 </aside>
145 <h4 id="creating-a-new-domain-directory">Creating a new domain directory</h4>
146 <p>To share the files you have pasted, you will need to create a directory for your files to reside in.</p>
147 <h5 id="to-create-a-new-domain-directory">To create a new domain directory</h5>
148 <ol type="1">
149 <li>SSH into your server</li>
150 <li>Run <code>sudo mkdir -p /var/www/</code></li>
151 <li>Run <code>sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/</code></li>
152 <li>Run <code>sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/</code></li>
153 </ol>
154 <h4 id="configuring-nginx">Configuring nginx</h4>
155 <p>You will need to setup a subdomain for your domain in nginx. In this guide, I will be using the domain, <code></code>, and the subdomain, <code>paste.</code>. The full URL for our pasting service will be <code></code>.</p>
156 <p>Ensure you replace <code></code> with your own domain when following this guide.</p>
157 <h5 id="to-configure-nginx">To configure nginx</h5>
158 <ol type="1">
159 <li><p>Add the following in <code>/etc/nginx/sites-available/</code> as root:</p>
160 <pre><code> server {
161 server_name;
163 root /var/www/;
164 index index.txt;
166 location / {
167 try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
168 }
169 }</code></pre></li>
170 <li><p>Run the following command:</p>
171 <pre><code> sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/</code></pre></li>
172 <li><p>Run <code>sudo systemctl restart nginx</code></p></li>
173 </ol>
174 <h4 id="setting-up-your-paste-service-domain-with-certbot">Setting up your paste service domain with certbot</h4>
175 <p>Setting up SSL/TLS with certbot will stop browsers from telling the user they are on an insecure connection.</p>
176 <h5 id="to-setup-your-paste-service-domain-with-certbot">To setup your paste service domain with certbot</h5>
177 <ol type="1">
178 <li>Run <code>sudo certbot</code></li>
179 <li>Follow the prompts</li>
180 <li>Run <code>sudo systemctl restart nginx</code></li>
181 </ol>
182 <h3 id="preparing-your-local-machine">Preparing your local machine</h3>
183 <p>You will need to create a local paste directory, and add a function and command to your <code>~/.vimrc</code> file.</p>
184 <p>This section consists of the following topics:</p>
185 <ul>
186 <li><a href="#creating-a-paste-directory">Creating a paste directory</a></li>
187 <li><a href="#creating-a-landing-page-for-the-paste-service">Creating a landing page for the paste service</a></li>
188 <li><a href="#setting-up-a-generic-file-pasting-script">Setting up a generic file-pasting script</a></li>
189 <li><a href="#setting-up-a-generic-file-pasting-script-for-plaintext-files">Setting up a generic file-pasting script for plaintext files</a></li>
190 <li><a href="#setting-up-a-generic-file-synchronizing-script">Setting up a generic file-synchronizing script</a></li>
191 <li><a href="#setting-up-vim">Setting up Vim</a></li>
192 </ul>
193 <h4 id="creating-a-paste-directory">Creating a paste directory</h4>
194 <p>The paste directory allows you to keep a collection of files locally. The local paste directory will synchronize with your remote paste directory using rsync.</p>
195 <h5 id="to-create-a-paste-directory">To create a paste directory</h5>
196 <ol type="1">
197 <li>Run <code>mkdir -p ~/dev/paste</code></li>
198 </ol>
199 <h4 id="creating-a-landing-page-for-the-paste-service">Creating a landing page for the paste service</h4>
200 <p>Users may get curious and wander away from <code></code>. One of the places they may go is <code></code>, so creating a landing page for this URL will be nicer than getting a 404 error.</p>
201 <h5 id="to-create-a-landing-page-for-the-paste-service">To create a landing page for the paste service</h5>
202 <ol type="1">
203 <li><p>Run the following command:</p>
204 <pre><code> echo &quot;Hey there! It looks like you found my paste service! Unfortunately, there isn&#39;t much here!&quot; &gt; ~/dev/paste/index.txt</code></pre></li>
205 </ol>
206 <aside class="border">
207 <p>
208 <strong>Warning</strong>: If you delete the <code>~/dev/paste/index.txt</code> file, you will delete your landing page the next time you synchronize your <code>~/dev/paste</code> directory.
209 </p>
210 </aside>
211 <h4 id="setting-up-a-generic-file-pasting-script">Setting up a generic file-pasting script</h4>
212 <p>This script not only supports code snippets with syntax highlight, but it also supports generic file pasting, such as the pasting of images, gifs, videos, etc.</p>
213 <h5 id="to-setup-a-generic-file-pasting-script">To setup a generic file-pasting script</h5>
214 <ol type="1">
215 <li><p>Add the following to a file called <code>pupload</code>:</p>
216 <pre><code> #!/bin/sh
217 file=&quot;$@&quot;
218 domain=&quot;;
220 cp $file ~/dev/paste/$file
221 cd ~/dev/paste
222 rsync -a --delete ./$file
223 echo &quot;Paste URL: $domain$file&quot;</code></pre></li>
224 <li><p>Run <code>chmod u+x pupload</code></p></li>
225 <li><p>Move the <code>pupload</code> to a directory on your <code>$PATH</code></p></li>
226 </ol>
227 <h4 id="setting-up-a-generic-file-pasting-script-for-plaintext-files">Setting up a generic file-pasting script for plaintext files</h4>
228 <p>This script will append a <code>.txt</code> to the end of the filename, so other people can view the file in their browser without downloading the file.</p>
229 <h5 id="to-setup-up-a-generic-file-pasting-script-for-plaintext-files">To setup up a generic file-pasting script for plaintext files</h5>
230 <ol type="1">
231 <li><p>Add the following to a file called <code>ptxt</code>:</p>
232 <pre><code> file=&quot;$@&quot;
233 filetxt=$file.txt
234 domain=&quot;;
236 cp $file ~/dev/paste/$filetxt
237 cd ~/dev/paste
238 rsync -a --delete ./$filetxt
239 echo &quot;Paste URL: $domain$filetxt&quot;</code></pre></li>
240 <li><p>Run <code>chmod u+x ptxt</code></p></li>
241 <li><p>Move the <code>ptxt</code> to a directory on your <code>$PATH</code></p></li>
242 </ol>
243 <h4 id="setting-up-a-generic-file-synchronizing-script">Setting up a generic file-synchronizing script</h4>
244 <p>When removing or modifying files in your <code>~/dev/paste/</code> directory, you will want to synchronize after, so all files on your server update.</p>
245 <h5 id="to-setup-a-generic-file-synchronizing-script">To setup a generic file-synchronizing script</h5>
246 <ol type="1">
247 <li><p>Add the following to a file called <code>psync</code>:</p>
248 <pre><code> #!/bin/sh
249 cd ~/dev/paste
250 rsync -a --delete ./
251 echo &quot;Files synchronized&quot;</code></pre></li>
252 <li><p>Run <code>chmod u+x psync</code></p></li>
253 <li><p>Move the <code>psync</code> to a directory on your <code>$PATH</code></p></li>
254 </ol>
255 <h4 id="setting-up-vim">Setting up Vim</h4>
256 <p>Vim commands make uploading and synchronizing your paste directory to your remote server convenient. They remove the need to exit Vim to run shell scripts.</p>
257 <h5 id="to-setup-vim">To setup Vim</h5>
258 <ol type="1">
259 <li><p>Add the following contents to your <code>~/.vimrc</code>:</p>
260 <pre><code> function! PasteSync()
261 call system(&#39;psync&#39;)
262 endfunction
264 function! PasteUpload()
265 TOhtml
266 let filename = expand(&quot;%:t&quot;)
267 silent! execute &#39;write!&#39; &#39;~/dev/paste/&#39; . filename
268 call PasteSync()
269 q!
270 echo &#39;Paste link:; . filename
271 endfunction
273 command PasteSync call PasteSync()
274 command PasteUpload call PasteUpload()</code></pre></li>
275 </ol>
276 <aside class="border">
277 <p>
278 <strong>Note</strong>: You will need to replace <code>user</code> in the <code>PasteSync()</code> function with your own SSH username.
279 </p>
280 </aside>
281 <h3 id="using-the-paste-service">Using the paste service</h3>
282 <p>You can use the two commands from the previous section to upload and synchronize files to your remote paste directory.</p>
283 <p>This section consists of the following topics:</p>
284 <ul>
285 <li><a href="#uploading-a-code-snippet-from-vim">Uploading a code snippet from Vim</a></li>
286 <li><a href="#uploading-a-generic-file">Uploading a generic file</a></li>
287 <li><a href="#uploading-a-generic-file-in-plaintext-format">Uploading a generic file in plaintext format</a></li>
288 <li><a href="#removing-a-file">Removing a file</a></li>
289 </ul>
290 <h4 id="uploading-a-code-snippet-from-vim">Uploading a code snippet from Vim</h4>
291 <p>The Vim configuration from the previous section allows us to upload Vim buffers as code snippets.</p>
292 <h5 id="to-uploading-a-code-snippet">To uploading a code snippet</h5>
293 <ol type="1">
294 <li>Open a file in Vim</li>
295 <li>Run <code>:PasteUpload</code></li>
296 <li>Share the URL generated at the bottom of the screen</li>
297 </ol>
298 <h4 id="uploading-a-generic-file">Uploading a generic file</h4>
299 <p>The <code>pupload</code> script from the <a href="#setting-up-a-generic-file-pasting-script">Setting up a generic file-pasting script</a> section allows you to paste any file to your server.</p>
300 <h5 id="to-upload-a-generic-file">To upload a generic file</h5>
301 <ol type="1">
302 <li>Run <code>pupload your-file</code></li>
303 </ol>
304 <h4 id="uploading-a-generic-file-in-plaintext-format">Uploading a generic file in plaintext format</h4>
305 <p>Sometimes, you want to view the contents of a file in your browser. Adding “<code>.txt</code>” at the end of a filename will allow your browser to render the contents of the file if it is in a plaintext format.</p>
306 <h5 id="to-upload-a-generic-file-in-plaintext-format">To upload a generic file in plaintext format</h5>
307 <ol type="1">
308 <li>Run <code>ptxt your-file</code></li>
309 </ol>
310 <aside class="border">
311 <p>
312 <strong>Note</strong>: This will append a <code>.txt</code> to your file. So, if your file is named <code></code>, the file will be renamed to <code></code>. When you click the link that is generated, you can view the contents of the file in your browser, instead of being prompted to download the file.
313 </p>
314 </aside>
315 <h4 id="removing-a-file">Removing a file</h4>
316 <p>rsync removes the need to SSH into your server to remove a directory by synchronizing a directory’s state using the <code>--delete</code> flag.</p>
317 <h5 id="to-remove-a-file">To remove a file</h5>
318 <ol type="1">
319 <li><code>cd ~/dev/paste</code></li>
320 <li><code>rm</code></li>
321 <li>Run <code>psync</code></li>
322 </ol>
323 </main>
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325 </html>