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105 <h2 id="setting-up-a-git-forge-with-gitea">Setting up a Git forge with Gitea</h2>
106 <p>2021-01-06 00:00</p>
107 <p>This page will guide you through setting up a Git forge using <a href="">Gitea</a>.</p>
108 <h3 id="page-overview">Page overview</h3>
109 <!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM -->
110 <ul>
111 <li><a href="#acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a></li>
112 <li><a href="#reasoning-for-this-guide">Reasoning for this guide</a></li>
113 <li><a href="#page-conventions">Page conventions</a></li>
114 <li><a href="#assumptions">Assumptions</a></li>
115 <li><a href="#requirements">Requirements</a></li>
116 <li><a href="#preparing-your-system">Preparing your system</a>
117 <ul>
118 <li><a href="#setting-up-dns-records-on-digitalocean">Setting up DNS records on DigitalOcean</a>
119 <ul>
120 <li><a href="#to-setup-dns-records-on-digitalocean">To setup DNS records on DigitalOcean</a></li>
121 </ul></li>
122 <li><a href="#creating-a-git-user">Creating a git user</a>
123 <ul>
124 <li><a href="#to-create-a-git-user">To create a git user</a></li>
125 </ul></li>
126 <li><a href="#adding-the-git-user-to-your-ssh-servers-allowedusers-list">Adding the git user to your SSH server’s AllowedUsers list</a>
127 <ul>
128 <li><a href="#to-add-the-git-user-to-your-ssh-servers-allowedusers-list">To add the git user to your SSH server’s AllowedUsers list</a></li>
129 </ul></li>
130 <li><a href="#creating-the-required-directories">Creating the required directories</a>
131 <ul>
132 <li><a href="#to-create-the-required-directories">To create the required directories</a></li>
133 </ul></li>
134 </ul></li>
135 <li><a href="#setting-up-gitea">Setting up Gitea</a>
136 <ul>
137 <li><a href="#downloading-gitea">Downloading Gitea</a>
138 <ul>
139 <li><a href="#to-download-gitea">To download Gitea</a></li>
140 </ul></li>
141 <li><a href="#installing-gitea">Installing Gitea</a>
142 <ul>
143 <li><a href="#to-install-gitea">To install Gitea</a></li>
144 </ul></li>
145 <li><a href="#auto-starting-gitea-on-system-boot">Auto-starting Gitea on system boot</a>
146 <ul>
147 <li><a href="#to-auto-start-gitea-on-system-boot">To auto-start Gitea on system boot</a></li>
148 </ul></li>
149 </ul></li>
150 <li><a href="#setting-up-nginx">Setting up nginx</a>
151 <ul>
152 <li><a href="#adding-a-reverse-proxy">Adding a reverse proxy</a>
153 <ul>
154 <li><a href="#to-add-a-reverse-proxy">To add a reverse proxy</a></li>
155 </ul></li>
156 <li><a href="#setting-up-your-git-domain-with-certbot">Setting up your git domain with certbot</a>
157 <ul>
158 <li><a href="#to-setup-up-your-git-domain-with-certbot">To setup up your git domain with certbot</a></li>
159 </ul></li>
160 </ul></li>
161 <li><a href="#finalizing-your-gitea-setup">Finalizing your Gitea setup</a>
162 <ul>
163 <li><a href="#accessing-the-web-interface">Accessing the web interface</a>
164 <ul>
165 <li><a href="#to-access-the-web-interface">To access the web interface</a></li>
166 </ul></li>
167 <li><a href="#removing-the-write-permission-for-the-git-user">Removing the write permission for the git user</a>
168 <ul>
169 <li><a href="#to-remove-the-write-permission-for-the-git-user">To remove the write permission for the git user</a></li>
170 </ul></li>
171 <li><a href="#setting-up-fail2ban">Setting up fail2ban</a>
172 <ul>
173 <li><a href="#to-setup-fail2ban">To setup fail2ban</a></li>
174 </ul></li>
175 </ul></li>
176 <li><a href="#tweaking-gitea">Tweaking Gitea</a>
177 <ul>
178 <li><a href="#disabling-registrations">Disabling registrations</a>
179 <ul>
180 <li><a href="#to-disable-registrations">To disable registrations</a></li>
181 </ul></li>
182 <li><a href="#changing-the-default-branch-name">Changing the default branch name</a>
183 <ul>
184 <li><a href="#to-change-the-default-branch-name">To change the default branch name</a></li>
185 </ul></li>
186 <li><a href="#setting-up-garbage-collection">Setting up garbage collection</a>
187 <ul>
188 <li><a href="#to-setup-garbage-collection">To setup garbage collection</a></li>
189 </ul></li>
190 </ul></li>
191 </ul>
192 <!-- vim-markdown-toc -->
193 <h3 id="acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</h3>
194 <p>Most of the documentation found here was referenced from <a href="">Gitea’s documentation</a>.</p>
195 <h3 id="reasoning-for-this-guide">Reasoning for this guide</h3>
196 <p>As someone who is learning how to maintain servers and online services, I had a bit of trouble following the documentation, because the documentation for setting up Gitea wasn’t as linear as I was used to. I found myself jumping back and forth between the navigation sidebar, so I decided to create a more linear set of instructions for setting up Gitea for other people who had trouble with setting up Gitea.</p>
197 <h3 id="page-conventions">Page conventions</h3>
198 <ul>
199 <li><strong>Note</strong>: Signifies additional information</li>
200 <li><strong>Tip</strong>: Signifies an alternative procedure for completing a step</li>
201 <li><strong>Warning</strong>: Signifies that damage, such as data loss, may occur</li>
202 <li><strong>Example</strong>: Shows how a procedure would be performed in a real scenario</li>
203 <li><code>Inline code and code blocks</code>: Signify package names, filenames, file contents, or commands</li>
204 <li><code></code>: Signifies that you should replace <code></code> with your own domain name.</li>
205 </ul>
206 <h3 id="assumptions">Assumptions</h3>
207 <p>This guide assumes:</p>
208 <ul>
209 <li>You are using a Ubuntu server on a DigialOcean droplet</li>
210 <li>You are using nginx to serve your web content</li>
211 <li>You manage your SSL/TLS certificates with certbot</li>
212 <li>You have your domain name setup with DigitalOcean’s name servers</li>
213 <li>You have your SSH keys setup with your server</li>
214 <li>You have root access to your server</li>
215 </ul>
216 <h3 id="requirements">Requirements</h3>
217 <ul>
218 <li>git</li>
219 <li>sqlite3</li>
220 <li>fail2ban</li>
221 </ul>
222 <h3 id="preparing-your-system">Preparing your system</h3>
223 <p>Before using Gitea, you will need to prepare DNS records and create a git user.</p>
224 <p>This section consists of the following topics:</p>
225 <ul>
226 <li><a href="#setting-up-dns-records-on-digitalocean">Setting up DNS records on DigitalOcean</a></li>
227 <li><a href="#creating-a-git-user">Creating a git user</a></li>
228 <li><a href="#adding-the-git-user-to-your-ssh-servers-allowedusers-list">Adding the git user to your SSH server’s AllowedUsers list</a></li>
229 <li><a href="#creating-the-required-directories">Creating the required directories</a></li>
230 </ul>
231 <h4 id="setting-up-dns-records-on-digitalocean">Setting up DNS records on DigitalOcean</h4>
232 <p>Setting up DNS records for a <code></code> allows you to redirect users back to your server, so nginx can redirect users to specific paths or ports on your server.</p>
233 <h5 id="to-setup-dns-records-on-digitalocean">To setup DNS records on DigitalOcean</h5>
234 <ol type="1">
235 <li>Add an A record for <code></code> to your DigitalOcean droplet</li>
236 <li>Add an AAAA record for <code></code> to your DigitalOcean droplet</li>
237 </ol>
238 <h4 id="creating-a-git-user">Creating a git user</h4>
239 <p>Creating a git user allows you to run Gitea as a different user from root. This is a safer option, especially if you intend to push to your repositories using SSH or have multiple users on your Gitea instance.</p>
240 <h5 id="to-create-a-git-user">To create a git user</h5>
241 <ol type="1">
242 <li><p>Run the following command:</p>
243 <pre><code> sudo adduser \
244 --system \
245 --shell /bin/bash \
246 --gecos &#39;Git Version Control&#39; \
247 --group \
248 --disabled-password \
249 --home /home/git \
250 git</code></pre></li>
251 </ol>
252 <p><strong>Source</strong>: Gitea’s <a href="">Prepare environment</a> section.</p>
253 <h4 id="adding-the-git-user-to-your-ssh-servers-allowedusers-list">Adding the git user to your SSH server’s AllowedUsers list</h4>
254 <p>Pushing Git commits over SSH is convenient because you don’t need to enter a username and password like you would over HTTPS. You will need to add the git user to your SSH server’s <code>AllowedUsers</code> list to use Git over SSH.</p>
255 <h5 id="to-add-the-git-user-to-your-ssh-servers-allowedusers-list">To add the git user to your SSH server’s AllowedUsers list</h5>
256 <ol type="1">
257 <li>Open <code>/etc/ssh/sshd_config</code></li>
258 <li>Find <code>AllowUsers</code></li>
259 <li>Add <code>git</code> to list of users</li>
260 </ol>
261 <h4 id="creating-the-required-directories">Creating the required directories</h4>
262 <p>Gitea doesn’t have the permissions to create directories in root directories, so you will have to do this yourself.</p>
263 <h5 id="to-create-the-required-directories">To create the required directories</h5>
264 <ol type="1">
265 <li>Run <code>sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/gitea/{custom,data,log}</code></li>
266 <li>Run <code>sudo chown -R git:git /var/lib/gitea/</code></li>
267 <li>Run <code>sudo chmod -R 750 /var/lib/gitea/</code></li>
268 <li>Run <code>sudo mkdir /etc/gitea</code></li>
269 <li>Run <code>sudo chown root:git /etc/gitea</code></li>
270 <li>Run <code>sudo chmod 770 /etc/gitea</code></li>
271 </ol>
272 <p><strong>Source</strong>: Gitea’s <a href="">Create required directory structure</a> section.</p>
273 <h3 id="setting-up-gitea">Setting up Gitea</h3>
274 <p>Gitea simplifies installation by providing a binary. You can download this binary and move it to a globally-accessible directory.</p>
275 <p>This section contains the following topics:</p>
276 <ul>
277 <li><a href="#downloading-gitea">Downloading Gitea</a></li>
278 <li><a href="#installing-gitea">Installing Gitea</a></li>
279 <li><a href="#auto-starting-gitea-on-system-boot">Auto-starting Gitea on system boot</a></li>
280 </ul>
281 <h4 id="downloading-gitea">Downloading Gitea</h4>
282 <p>Downloading Gitea will provide you with the proper resources for running Gitea.</p>
283 <h5 id="to-download-gitea">To download Gitea</h5>
284 <ol type="1">
285 <li>Run <code>sudo su git</code></li>
286 <li>Run <code>cd</code></li>
287 <li>Run <code>wget -O gitea</code></li>
288 <li>Run <code>chmod +x gitea</code></li>
289 </ol>
290 <aside class="border">
291 <p>
292 <strong>Note</strong>: In this section, we are downloading Gitea version 1.13.1. This guide will quickly become outdated. For the latest version, check out Gitea’s <a href="">Install from binary</a> section.
293 </p>
294 </aside>
295 <p><strong>Source</strong>: Gitea’s <a href="">Download</a> section.</p>
296 <h4 id="installing-gitea">Installing Gitea</h4>
297 <p>Installing Gitea will make the Gitea binary globally accessible on your system.</p>
298 <h5 id="to-install-gitea">To install Gitea</h5>
299 <ol type="1">
300 <li>Run <code>cp gitea /usr/local/bin/gitea</code></li>
301 </ol>
302 <p><strong>Source</strong>: Gitea’s <a href="">Copy Gitea binary to global location</a> section.</p>
303 <h4 id="auto-starting-gitea-on-system-boot">Auto-starting Gitea on system boot</h4>
304 <p>Auto-starting Gitea can be convenient if you need to restart your server after updates or changes, and have several other services that you need to auto-start.</p>
305 <h5 id="to-auto-start-gitea-on-system-boot">To auto-start Gitea on system boot</h5>
306 <ol type="1">
307 <li><p>Add the following in <code>/etc/systemd/system/gitea.service</code>:</p>
308 <pre><code> [Unit]
309 Description=Gitea (Git with a cup of tea)
312 ###
313 # Don&#39;t forget to add the database service requirements
314 ###
315 #
316 #Requires=mysql.service
317 #Requires=mariadb.service
318 #Requires=postgresql.service
319 #Requires=memcached.service
320 #Requires=redis.service
321 #
322 ###
323 # If using socket activation for main http/s
324 ###
325 #
326 #After=gitea.main.socket
327 #Requires=gitea.main.socket
328 #
329 ###
330 # (You can also provide gitea an http fallback and/or ssh socket too)
331 #
332 # An example of /etc/systemd/system/gitea.main.socket
333 ###
334 ##
335 ## [Unit]
336 ## Description=Gitea Web Socket
337 ## PartOf=gitea.service
338 ##
339 ## [Socket]
340 ## Service=gitea.service
341 ## ListenStream=&lt;some_port&gt;
342 ## NoDelay=true
343 ##
344 ## [Install]
345 ##
346 ##
347 ###
349 [Service]
350 # Modify these two values and uncomment them if you have
351 # repos with lots of files and get an HTTP error 500 because
352 # of that
353 ###
354 #LimitMEMLOCK=infinity
355 #LimitNOFILE=65535
356 RestartSec=2s
357 Type=simple
358 User=git
359 Group=git
360 WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/gitea/
361 # If using Unix socket: tells systemd to create the /run/gitea folder, which will contain the gitea.sock file
362 # (manually creating /run/gitea doesn&#39;t work, because it would not persist across reboots)
363 #RuntimeDirectory=gitea
364 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/gitea web --config /etc/gitea/app.ini
365 Restart=always
366 Environment=USER=git HOME=/home/git GITEA_WORK_DIR=/var/lib/gitea
367 # If you install Git to directory prefix other than default PATH (which happens
368 # for example if you install other versions of Git side-to-side with
369 # distribution version), uncomment below line and add that prefix to PATH
370 # Don&#39;t forget to place git-lfs binary on the PATH below if you want to enable
371 # Git LFS support
372 #Environment=PATH=/path/to/git/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
373 # If you want to bind Gitea to a port below 1024, uncomment
374 # the two values below, or use socket activation to pass Gitea its ports as above
375 ###
376 #CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE
377 #AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE
378 ###
380 [Install]
382 <li><p>Run <code>sudo systemctl enable gitea</code></p></li>
383 <li><p>Run <code>sudo systemctl start gitea</code></p></li>
384 </ol>
385 <p><strong>Source</strong>: Gitea’s <a href="">Using systemd</a> section.</p>
386 <h3 id="setting-up-nginx">Setting up nginx</h3>
387 <p>Gitea is a web application, so you will need to setup nginx to serve the interface.</p>
388 <p>This section consists of the following topics:</p>
389 <ul>
390 <li><a href="#adding-a-reverse-proxy">Adding a reverse proxy</a></li>
391 <li><a href="#setting-up-your-git-domain-with-certbot">Setting up your git domain with certbot</a></li>
392 </ul>
393 <h4 id="adding-a-reverse-proxy">Adding a reverse proxy</h4>
394 <p>Gitea runs on port 3000 by default, so you will need to configure nginx to redirect users to port 3000 on your server when they visit</p>
395 <h5 id="to-add-a-reverse-proxy">To add a reverse proxy</h5>
396 <ol type="1">
397 <li><p>Add the following in <code>/etc/nginx/sites-available/</code> as root:</p>
398 <pre><code> server {
399 listen 80;
400 server_name;
402 location / {
403 proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
404 }
405 }</code></pre></li>
406 <li><p>Run the following command:</p>
407 <pre><code> sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/</code></pre></li>
408 <li><p>Run <code>sudo systemctl restart nginx</code></p></li>
409 </ol>
410 <p><strong>Source</strong>: Gitea’s <a href="">Nginx</a> section.</p>
411 <h4 id="setting-up-your-git-domain-with-certbot">Setting up your git domain with certbot</h4>
412 <p>Before you can access your website, you will want to allow a secure connection before you sign up for the initial Gitea account, which will optionally be used as an administrator account as well as a regular user account.</p>
413 <h5 id="to-setup-up-your-git-domain-with-certbot">To setup up your git domain with certbot</h5>
414 <ol type="1">
415 <li>Run <code>sudo certbot</code></li>
416 <li>Follow the prompts</li>
417 <li>Run <code>sudo systemctl restart nginx</code></li>
418 </ol>
419 <h3 id="finalizing-your-gitea-setup">Finalizing your Gitea setup</h3>
420 <p>Before you can use Gitea, you will need to access the web installer. The web installer will guide you through a setup process, and user registration. The first user who signs up has the option to become an administrator user who can also use Gitea as a regular user.</p>
421 <p>This section consists of the following topics:</p>
422 <ul>
423 <li><a href="#accessing-the-web-interface">Accessing the web interface</a></li>
424 <li><a href="#removing-the-write-permission-for-the-git-user">Removing the write permission for the git user</a></li>
425 <li><a href="#setting-up-fail2ban">Setting up fail2ban</a></li>
426 </ul>
427 <h4 id="accessing-the-web-interface">Accessing the web interface</h4>
428 <p>Gitea provides a web interface for configuring and installing Gitea. You can access the web interface using a web browser.</p>
429 <h5 id="to-access-the-web-interface">To access the web interface</h5>
430 <ol type="1">
431 <li><p>Navigate to <code></code> in your browser</p>
432 <aside class="border">
433 <p>
434 <p><strong>Tip</strong>: If this doesn’t work, try navigating to <code></code>.</p>
435 </p>
436 </aside></li>
437 <li><p>Choose SQLite</p></li>
438 <li><p>Change “SSH Server Domain” to <code></code></p></li>
439 <li><p>Change “Gitea Base URL” to <code></code></p></li>
440 <li><p>Choose your desired settings for the remaining configuration options</p></li>
441 <li><p>Click “Install Gitea”</p></li>
442 </ol>
443 <h4 id="removing-the-write-permission-for-the-git-user">Removing the write permission for the git user</h4>
444 <p>In previous sections, <code>/etc/gitea</code> has write permissions for the git user, so the web installer could write to the configuration file. You should change the permissions back to read-only for security purposes.</p>
445 <h5 id="to-remove-the-write-permission-for-the-git-user">To remove the write permission for the git user</h5>
446 <ol type="1">
447 <li>Run <code>sudo chmod 750 /etc/gitea</code></li>
448 <li>Run <code>sudo chmod 640 /etc/gitea/app.ini</code></li>
449 </ol>
450 <p><strong>Source</strong>: Gitea’s <a href="">Create required directory structure</a> section.</p>
451 <h4 id="setting-up-fail2ban">Setting up fail2ban</h4>
452 <p>fail2ban protects your server against repeated attacks if you have a publicly-facing authentication system, such as a sign-in page or a register page.</p>
453 <p>In this guide, although we will be disabling the registration page, there will still be a sign-in page that we need to protect.</p>
454 <h5 id="to-setup-fail2ban">To setup fail2ban</h5>
455 <ol type="1">
456 <li><p>Add the following to <code>/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/gitea.conf</code> as root:</p>
457 <pre><code> [Definition]
458 failregex = .*(Failed authentication attempt|invalid credentials|Attempted access of unknown user).* from &lt;HOST&gt;
459 ignoreregex =</code></pre></li>
460 <li><p>Add the following to <code>/etc/fail2ban/jail.d/gitea.conf</code> as root:</p>
461 <pre><code> [gitea]
462 enabled = true
463 filter = gitea
464 logpath = /var/lib/gitea/log/gitea.log
465 maxretry = 10
466 findtime = 3600
467 bantime = 900
468 action = iptables-allports</code></pre></li>
469 <li><p>Run <code>touch /var/lib/gitea/log/gitea.log</code> as root</p></li>
470 <li><p>Run <code>systemctl restart fail2ban</code></p></li>
471 </ol>
472 <p><strong>Source</strong>: Gitea’s <a href="">Fail2ban setup to block users after failed login attempts</a> page.</p>
473 <h3 id="tweaking-gitea">Tweaking Gitea</h3>
474 <p>Gitea provides an <code>app.ini</code> file that allows you to modify Gitea to your liking.</p>
475 <p>This section consists of the following topics:</p>
476 <ul>
477 <li><a href="#disabling-registrations">Disabling registrations</a></li>
478 <li><a href="#changing-the-default-branch-name">Changing the default branch name</a></li>
479 <li><a href="#setting-up-garbage-collection">Setting up garbage collection</a></li>
480 </ul>
481 <h4 id="disabling-registrations">Disabling registrations</h4>
482 <p>After you created the first user, you can disable registrations to prevent unknown users from registering on your Gitea.</p>
483 <aside class="border">
484 <p>
485 <strong>Note</strong>: If you wish to add a user in the future, you can use Gitea’s built-in “Create User Account” button found in “Site Administration” &gt; “User Accounts”.
486 </p>
487 </aside>
488 <h5 id="to-disable-registrations">To disable registrations</h5>
489 <ol type="1">
490 <li>Edit <code>/etc/gitea/app.ini</code> as root</li>
491 <li>Find the <code>[service]</code> section</li>
492 <li>Change <code>DISABLE_REGISTRATION</code>’s value to <code>true</code></li>
493 </ol>
494 <aside class="border">
495 <p>
496 <strong>Example</strong>: Your <code>[service]</code> section might look like the one below:
497 </p>
498 <pre>
499 [service]
504 ENABLE_CAPTCHA = false
509 NO_REPLY_ADDRESS = noreply.localhost
510 </pre>
511 </aside>
512 <h4 id="changing-the-default-branch-name">Changing the default branch name</h4>
513 <p>Gitea allows you to set a default branch name when creating new repositories.</p>
514 <h5 id="to-change-the-default-branch-name">To change the default branch name</h5>
515 <ol type="1">
516 <li>Edit <code>/etc/gitea/app.ini</code> as root</li>
517 <li>Find the <code>[repository]</code> section</li>
518 <li>Change <code>DEFAULT_BRANCH</code>’s value to <code>main</code></li>
519 </ol>
520 <aside class="border">
521 <p>
522 <strong>Example</strong>: Your <code>[repository]</code> section might look like the one below:
523 </p>
524 <pre>
525 [repository]
526 ROOT = /home/git/gitea-repositories
528 </pre>
529 </aside>
530 <aside class="border">
531 <p>
532 <strong>Note</strong>: Other common default branch names could be <code>trunk</code> or <code>default</code>
533 </p>
534 </aside>
535 <h4 id="setting-up-garbage-collection">Setting up garbage collection</h4>
536 <p>Setting a garbage collection value will prevent incremental memory consumption over time. Setting this keeps CPU usage at a constant level. Without this set, the CPU usage rises over time.</p>
537 <h5 id="to-setup-garbage-collection">To setup garbage collection</h5>
538 <ol type="1">
539 <li>Edit <code>/etc/gitea/app.ini</code> as root</li>
540 <li>Find the <code>[session]</code> section</li>
541 <li>Add <code>GC_INTERVAL_TIME = 86400</code> under <code>PROVIDER = file</code></li>
542 </ol>
543 <aside class="border">
544 <p>
545 <strong>Example</strong>: Your <code>[session]</code> section might look like the one below:
546 </p>
547 <pre>
548 [session]
549 PROVIDER = file
550 GC_INTERVAL_TIME = 86400
551 </pre>
552 </aside>
553 </main>
554 </body>
555 </html>