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1 (local l (require :test.luaunit))
2 (local fennel (require :fennel))
4 (local failures {
5 "\n\n(+))" "unknown:3: unexpected closing delimiter )"
6 "\n\n(let [f (lambda []\n(local))] (f))" "4: expected name and value"
7 "\n\n(let [x.y 9] nil)" "unknown:3: unexpected multi"
8 "\n(when)" "Compile error in 'when' unknown:2"
9 "((fn [] (require-macros \"test.macros\") (global x1 (->1 99 (+ 31)))))
10 (->1 23 (+ 1))" "unknown global in strict mode"
11 "()" "expected a function, macro, or special"
12 "(789)" "cannot call literal value"
13 "(do\n\n\n(each \n[x (pairs {})] (when)))" "when' unknown:5:"
14 "(do\n\n\n(each \n[x 34 (pairs {})] 21))" "5: unable to bind number 34"
15 "(each [k v (pairs {})] (BAD k v))" "BAD"
16 "(f" "unknown:1: expected closing delimiter )"
17 "(fn [12])" "expected symbol for function parameter"
18 "(fn [:huh] 4)" "expected symbol for function parameter"
19 "(fn []\n(for [32 34 32] 21))" "2: unable to bind number"
20 "(fn [] [...])" "unexpected vararg"
21 "(fn [false] 4)" "expected symbol for function parameter"
22 "(fn [nil] 4)" "expected symbol for function parameter"
23 "(fn global [] 1)" "overshadowed"
24 "(fn global-caller [] (hey))" "unknown global"
25 "(fn)" "expected parameters"
26 "(global + 1)" "overshadowed"
27 "(global - 1)" "overshadowed"
28 "(global // 1)" "overshadowed"
29 "(global 48 :forty-eight)" "unable to bind number 48"
30 "(global good (fn [] nil)) (good) (BAD)" "BAD"
31 "(global let 1)" "overshadowed"
32 "(hey)" "unknown global"
33 "(lambda x)" "expected arg list"
34 "(let [:x 1] 1)" "unable to bind"
35 "(let [[a & c d] [1 2]] c)" "rest argument before last parameter"
36 "(let [b 9\nq (.)] q)" "2: expected table argument"
37 "(let [bl 8 a bcd] nil)" "unknown global"
38 "(let [false 1] 9)" "unable to bind boolean false"
39 "(let [global 1] 1)" "overshadowed"
40 "(let [next #(next $)] print)" "aliased by a local"
41 "(let [nil 1] 9)" "unable to bind"
42 "(let [pairs #(pairs $)] pairs)" "aliased by a local"
43 "(let [t []] (set t.47 :forty-seven))" "can't start multisym segment with a digit: t.47"
44 "(let [t []] (set t.:x :y))" "malformed multisym: t.:x"
45 "(let [t []] (set t:.x :y))" "malformed multisym: t:.x"
46 "(let [t []] (set t::x :y))" "malformed multisym: t::x"
47 "(let [t {:a 1}] (+ t.a BAD))" "BAD"
48 "(let [x 1 y] 8)" "expected even number of name/value bindings"
49 "(let [x 1] (set-forcibly! x 2) (set x 3) x)" "expected var"
50 "(let [x 1])" "expected body"
51 "(let [x {:foo (fn [self] :bar :baz}] x:foo)" "multisym method calls may only be in call position"
52 "(let [x {:y {:foo (fn [self] :bar :baz}}] x:y:foo)" "method must be last component of multisym: x:y:foo"
53 "(local 47 :forty-seven)" "unable to bind number 47"
54 "(local a-b 1) (global [a_b] [2])" "global a_b conflicts with local"
55 "(local a-b 1) (global a_b 2)" "global a_b conflicts with local"
56 "(local a~b 3)" "illegal character: ~"
57 "(local ipairs #(ipairs $))" "aliased by a local"
58 "(macros {:m (fn [t] `(each [mykey (pairs ,t)] (print mykey)))}) (m [])" "tried to bind mykey without gensym"
59 "(macros {:m (fn [t] `(fn [xabc] (+ xabc 9)))}) ((m 4))" "tried to bind xabc without gensym"
60 "(macros {:m (fn [y] `(let [x 1] (+ x ,y)))}) (m 4)" "tried to bind x without gensym"
61 "(match [1 2 3] [a & b c] nil)" "rest argument before last parameter"
62 "(not true false)" "expected one argument"
63 "(print @)" "illegal character: @"
64 "(set [a b c] [1 2 3]) (+ a b c)" "expected local"
65 "(set a 19)" "error in 'a' unknown:1: expected local"
66 "(set)" "Compile error in 'set' unknown:1: expected name and value"
67 "(x(y))" "expected whitespace before opening delimiter ("
68 "(x[1 2])" "expected whitespace before opening delimiter ["
69 "(fn abc:def [x] (+ x 2))" "unexpected multi symbol abc:def"
70 "(macros {:foo {:bar (fn [] `(print :test))}})" "expected each macro to be function"
71 "(import-macros test :test.macros) (test.asdf)" "macro not found in imported macro module"
72 "(import-macros {: asdf} :test.macros)" "macro asdf not found in module test.macros"
73 "(with-open [(x y z) (values 1 2 3)])" "with-open only allows symbols in bindings"
74 "#[$ $...] 1 2 3" "$ and $... in hashfn are mutually exclusive"
75 })
77 (fn test-failures []
78 (each [code expected-msg (pairs failures)]
79 (let [(ok? msg) (pcall fennel.compileString code
80 {:allowedGlobals ["pairs" "next" "ipairs"]
81 :unfriendly true})]
82 (l.assertFalse ok? (.. "Expected compiling " code " to fail."))
83 (l.assertStrContains msg expected-msg))))
85 ;; automated tests for suggestions are rudimentary because the usefulness of the
86 ;; output is so subjective. to see a full catalog of suggestions, run the script
87 ;; test/bad/ and review that output.
88 (fn test-suggestions []
89 (let [(_ msg) (pcall fennel.dofile "test/bad/set-local.fnl")
90 (_ parse-msg) (pcall fennel.dofile "test/bad/odd-table.fnl")]
91 ;; show the raw error message
92 (l.assertStrContains msg "expected var x")
93 ;; offer suggestions
94 (l.assertStrContains msg "Try declaring x using var")
95 ;; show the code and point out the identifier at fault
96 (l.assertStrContains msg "(set x 3)")
97 (l.assertStrContains msg "\n ^")
98 ;; parse error
99 (l.assertStrContains parse-msg "{:a 1 :b 2 :c}")))
101 {: test-failures : test-suggestions}