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1 ;; This is the core compiler module responsible for taking a parsed AST
2 ;; and turning it into Lua code. Main entry points are `compile` (which
3 ;; takes an AST), `compile-stream` and `compile-string`.
5 (local utils (require "fennel.utils"))
6 (local parser (require "fennel.parser"))
7 (local friend (require :fennel.friend))
9 (local unpack (or _G.unpack table.unpack))
11 (local scopes [])
13 (fn make-scope [parent]
14 "Create a new Scope, optionally under a parent scope.
15 Scopes are compile time constructs that are responsible for keeping track of
16 local variables, name mangling, and macros. They are accessible to user code
17 via the 'eval-compiler' special form (may change). They use metatables to
18 implement nesting. "
19 (let [parent (or parent]
20 {:includes (setmetatable [] {:__index (and parent parent.includes)})
21 :macros (setmetatable [] {:__index (and parent parent.macros)})
22 :manglings (setmetatable [] {:__index (and parent parent.manglings)})
23 :refedglobals (setmetatable [] {:__index (and parent parent.refedglobals)})
24 :specials (setmetatable [] {:__index (and parent parent.specials)})
25 :symmeta (setmetatable [] {:__index (and parent parent.symmeta)})
26 :unmanglings (setmetatable [] {:__index (and parent parent.unmanglings)})
28 :autogensyms []
29 :vararg (and parent parent.vararg)
30 :depth (if parent (+ (or parent.depth 0) 1) 0)
31 :hashfn (and parent parent.hashfn)
32 :parent parent}))
34 ;; If you add new calls to this function, please update fennel.friend
35 ;; as well to add suggestions for how to fix the new error!
36 (fn assert-compile [condition msg ast]
37 "Assert a condition and raise a compile error with line numbers.
38 The ast arg should be unmodified so that its first element is the form called."
39 (when (not condition)
40 (let [{: source : unfriendly} (or utils.root.options {})]
41 (utils.root.reset)
42 (if unfriendly
43 (let [m (getmetatable ast)
44 filename (or (and m m.filename) ast.filename "unknown")
45 line (or (and m m.line) ast.line "?")
46 target (tostring (if (utils.sym? (. ast 1))
47 (utils.deref (. ast 1))
48 (or (. ast 1) "()")))]
49 ;; if we use regular `assert' we can't set level to 0
50 (error (string.format "Compile error in '%s' %s:%s: %s"
51 target filename line msg) 0))
52 (friend.assert-compile condition msg ast source))))
53 condition)
55 (set (make-scope))
56 (set true)
57 (set scopes.compiler (make-scope
58 (set scopes.macro
60 ;; Allow printing a string to Lua, also keep as 1 line.
61 (local serialize-subst {"\a" "\\a" "\b" "\\b" "\t" "\\t"
62 "\n" "n" "\v" "\\v" "\f" "\\f"})
64 (fn serialize-string [str]
65 (-> (string.format "%q" str)
66 (string.gsub "." serialize-subst)
67 (string.gsub "[€-ÿ]" #(.. "\\" ($:byte)))))
69 (fn global-mangling [str]
70 "Mangler for global symbols. Does not protect against collisions,
71 but makes them unlikely. This is the mangling that is exposed to to the world."
72 (if (utils.valid-lua-identifier? str)
73 str
74 (.. "__fnl_global__"
75 (str:gsub "[^%w]" #(string.format "_%02x" ($:byte))))))
77 (fn global-unmangling [identifier]
78 "Reverse a global mangling.
79 Takes a Lua identifier and returns the Fennel symbol string that created it."
80 (match (string.match identifier "^__fnl_global__(.*)$")
81 rest (pick-values 1 (string.gsub rest "_[%da-f][%da-f]"
82 #(string.char (tonumber ($:sub 2) 16))))
83 _ identifier))
85 (var allowed-globals nil)
87 (fn global-allowed [name]
88 "If there's a provided list of allowed globals, don't let references thru that
89 aren't on the list. This list is set at the compiler entry points of compile
90 and compile-stream."
91 (or (not allowed-globals) (utils.member? name allowed-globals)))
93 (fn unique-mangling [original mangling scope append]
94 (if (. scope.unmanglings mangling)
95 (unique-mangling original (.. original append) scope (+ append 1))
96 mangling))
98 (fn local-mangling [str scope ast temp-manglings]
99 "Creates a symbol from a string by mangling it. ensures that the generated
100 symbol is unique if the input string is unique in the scope."
101 (assert-compile (not (utils.multi-sym? str))
102 (.. "unexpected multi symbol " str) ast)
103 (let [;; Mapping mangling to a valid Lua identifier
104 raw (if (or (. utils.lua-keywords str) (str:match "^%d"))
105 (.. "_" str)
106 str)
107 mangling (-> raw
108 (string.gsub "-" "_")
109 (string.gsub "[^%w_]" #(string.format "_%02x" ($:byte))))
110 unique (unique-mangling mangling mangling scope 0)]
111 (tset scope.unmanglings unique str)
112 (let [manglings (or temp-manglings scope.manglings)]
113 (tset manglings str unique))
114 unique))
116 (fn apply-manglings [scope new-manglings ast]
117 "Calling this function will mean that further compilation in scope will use
118 these new manglings instead of the current manglings."
119 (each [raw mangled (pairs new-manglings)]
120 (assert-compile (not (. scope.refedglobals mangled))
121 (.. "use of global " raw " is aliased by a local") ast)
122 (tset scope.manglings raw mangled)))
124 (fn combine-parts [parts scope]
125 "Combine parts of a symbol."
126 (var ret (or (. scope.manglings (. parts 1)) (global-mangling (. parts 1))))
127 (for [i 2 (# parts)]
128 (if (utils.valid-lua-identifier? (. parts i))
129 (if (and parts.multi-sym-method-call (= i (# parts)))
130 (set ret (.. ret ":" (. parts i)))
131 (set ret (.. ret "." (. parts i))))
132 (set ret (.. ret "[" (serialize-string (. parts i)) "]"))))
133 ret)
135 (fn gensym [scope base]
136 "Generates a unique symbol in the scope."
137 (var (append mangling) (values 0 (.. (or base "") "_0_")))
138 (while (. scope.unmanglings mangling)
139 (set mangling (.. (or base "") "_" append "_"))
140 (set append (+ append 1)))
141 (tset scope.unmanglings mangling (or base true))
142 mangling)
144 (fn autogensym [base scope]
145 "Generates a unique symbol in the scope based on the base name. Calling
146 repeatedly with the same base and same scope will return existing symbol
147 rather than generating new one."
148 (match (utils.multi-sym? base)
149 parts (do (tset parts 1 (autogensym (. parts 1) scope))
150 (table.concat parts (or (and parts.multi-sym-method-call ":") ".")))
151 _ (or (. scope.autogensyms base)
152 (let [mangling (gensym scope (base:sub 1 (- 2)))]
153 (tset scope.autogensyms base mangling)
154 mangling))))
156 (fn check-binding-valid [symbol scope ast]
157 "Check to see if a symbol will be overshadowed by a special."
158 (let [name (utils.deref symbol)]
159 (assert-compile (not (or (. scope.specials name) (. scope.macros name)))
160 (: "local %s was overshadowed by a special form or macro"
161 :format name) ast)
162 (assert-compile (not (utils.quoted? symbol))
163 (string.format "macro tried to bind %s without gensym" name)
164 symbol)))
166 (fn declare-local [symbol meta scope ast temp-manglings]
167 "Declare a local symbol"
168 (check-binding-valid symbol scope ast)
169 (let [name (utils.deref symbol)]
170 (assert-compile (not (utils.multi-sym? name))
171 (.. "unexpected multi symbol " name) ast)
172 (tset scope.symmeta name meta)
173 (local-mangling name scope ast temp-manglings)))
175 (fn hashfn-arg-name [name multi-sym-parts scope]
176 (if (not scope.hashfn) nil
177 (= name "$") "$1"
178 multi-sym-parts
179 (do (when (and multi-sym-parts (= (. multi-sym-parts 1) "$"))
180 (tset multi-sym-parts 1 "$1"))
181 (table.concat multi-sym-parts "."))))
183 (fn symbol-to-expression [symbol scope reference?]
184 "Convert symbol to Lua code. Will only work for local symbols
185 if they have already been declared via declare-local"
186 (utils.hook :symbol-to-expression symbol scope reference?)
187 (let [name (. symbol 1)
188 multi-sym-parts (utils.multi-sym? name)
189 name (or (hashfn-arg-name name multi-sym-parts scope) name)]
190 (let [parts (or multi-sym-parts [name])
191 etype (or (and (> (# parts) 1) "expression") "sym")
192 local? (. scope.manglings (. parts 1))]
193 (when (and local? (. scope.symmeta (. parts 1)))
194 (tset (. scope.symmeta (. parts 1)) "used" true))
195 ;; if it's a reference and not a symbol which introduces a new binding
196 ;; then we need to check for allowed globals
197 (assert-compile (or (not reference?) local? (global-allowed (. parts 1)))
198 (.. "unknown global in strict mode: " (. parts 1)) symbol)
199 (when (and allowed-globals (not local?))
200 (tset utils.root.scope.refedglobals (. parts 1) true))
201 (utils.expr (combine-parts parts scope) etype))))
203 (fn emit [chunk out ast]
204 "Emit Lua code."
205 (if (= (type out) "table")
206 (table.insert chunk out)
207 (table.insert chunk {:ast ast :leaf out})))
209 (fn peephole [chunk]
210 "Do some peephole optimization."
211 (if chunk.leaf chunk
212 (and (>= (# chunk) 3)
213 (= (. (. chunk (- (# chunk) 2)) "leaf") "do")
214 (not (. (. chunk (- (# chunk) 1)) "leaf"))
215 (= (. (. chunk (# chunk)) "leaf") "end"))
216 (let [kid (peephole (. chunk (- (# chunk) 1)))
217 new-chunk {:ast chunk.ast}]
218 (for [i 1 (- (# chunk) 3)]
219 (table.insert new-chunk (peephole (. chunk i))))
220 (for [i 1 (# kid)]
221 (table.insert new-chunk (. kid i)))
222 new-chunk)
223 ( chunk peephole)))
225 (fn flatten-chunk-correlated [main-chunk]
226 "Correlate line numbers in input with line numbers in output."
227 (fn flatten [chunk out last-line file]
228 (var last-line last-line)
229 (if chunk.leaf
230 (tset out last-line (.. (or (. out last-line) "") " " chunk.leaf))
231 (each [_ subchunk (ipairs chunk)]
232 (when (or subchunk.leaf (> (# subchunk) 0)) ; ignore empty chunks
233 ;; don't increase line unless it's from the same file
234 (when (and subchunk.ast (= file subchunk.ast.file))
235 (set last-line (math.max last-line (or subchunk.ast.line 0))))
236 (set last-line (flatten subchunk out last-line file)))))
237 last-line)
238 (let [out []
239 last (flatten main-chunk out 1 main-chunk.file)]
240 (for [i 1 last]
241 (when (= (. out i) nil)
242 (tset out i "")))
243 (table.concat out "\n")))
245 (fn flatten-chunk [sm chunk tab depth]
246 "Flatten a tree of indented Lua source code lines.
247 Tab is what is used to indent a block."
248 (if chunk.leaf
249 (let [code chunk.leaf
250 info chunk.ast]
251 (when sm
252 (table.insert sm (or (and info info.line) (- 1))))
253 code)
254 (let [tab (match tab
255 true " " false "" tab tab nil "")]
256 (fn parter [c]
257 (when (or c.leaf (> (# c) 0))
258 (let [sub (flatten-chunk sm c tab (+ depth 1))]
259 (if (> depth 0)
260 (.. tab (sub:gsub "\n" (.. "\n" tab)))
261 sub))))
262 (table.concat ( chunk parter) "\n"))))
264 ;; Some global state for all fennel sourcemaps. For the time being, this seems
265 ;; the easiest way to store the source maps. Sourcemaps are stored with source
266 ;; being mapped as the key, prepended with '@' if it is a filename (like
267 ;; debug.getinfo returns for source). The value is an array of mappings for
268 ;; each line.
269 (local fennel-sourcemap [])
271 (fn make-short-src [source]
272 (let [source (source:gsub "\n" " ")]
273 (if (<= (# source) 49)
274 (.. "[fennel \"" source "\"]")
275 (.. "[fennel \"" (source:sub 1 46) "...\"]"))))
277 (fn flatten [chunk options]
278 "Return Lua source and source map table."
279 (let [chunk (peephole chunk)]
280 (if options.correlate
281 (values (flatten-chunk-correlated chunk) [])
282 (let [sm []
283 ret (flatten-chunk sm chunk options.indent 0)]
284 (when sm
285 (set sm.short_src (make-short-src (or options.filename
286 options.source ret)))
287 (set sm.key (if options.filename (.. "@" options.filename) ret))
288 (tset fennel-sourcemap sm.key sm))
289 (values ret sm)))))
291 (fn make-metadata []
292 "Make module-wide state table for metadata."
293 (setmetatable
294 [] {:__index {:get (fn [self tgt key]
295 (when (. self tgt)
296 (. (. self tgt) key)))
297 :set (fn [self tgt key value]
298 (tset self tgt (or (. self tgt) []))
299 (tset (. self tgt) key value)
300 tgt)
301 :setall (fn [self tgt ...]
302 (let [kv-len (select "#" ...)
303 kvs [...]]
304 (when (not= (% kv-len 2) 0)
305 (error "metadata:setall() expected even number of k/v pairs"))
306 (tset self tgt (or (. self tgt) []))
307 (for [i 1 kv-len 2]
308 (tset (. self tgt) (. kvs i) (. kvs (+ i 1))))
309 tgt))}
310 :__mode "k"}))
312 (fn exprs1 [exprs]
313 "Convert expressions to Lua string."
314 (table.concat ( exprs 1) ", "))
316 (fn keep-side-effects [exprs chunk start ast]
317 "Compile side effects for a chunk."
318 (let [start (or start 1)]
319 (for [j start (# exprs)]
320 (let [se (. exprs j)]
321 ;; Avoid the rogue 'nil' expression (nil is usually a literal,
322 ;; but becomes an expression if a special form returns 'nil')
323 (if (and (= se.type "expression") (not= (. se 1) "nil"))
324 (emit chunk (string.format "do local _ = %s end" (tostring se)) ast)
325 (= se.type "statement")
326 (let [code (tostring se)]
327 (emit chunk (or (and (= (code:byte) 40)
328 (.. "do end " code)) code) ast)))))))
330 (fn handle-compile-opts [exprs parent opts ast]
331 "Does some common handling of returns and register targets for special
332 forms. Also ensures a list expression has an acceptable number of expressions
333 if opts contains the nval option."
334 (when opts.nval
335 (let [n opts.nval
336 len (# exprs)]
337 (when (not= n len)
338 (if (> len n)
339 (do ; drop extra
340 (keep-side-effects exprs parent (+ n 1) ast)
341 (for [i (+ n 1) len]
342 (tset exprs i nil)))
343 (for [i (+ (# exprs) 1) n] ; pad with nils
344 (tset exprs i (utils.expr :nil :literal)))))))
345 (when opts.tail
346 (emit parent (string.format "return %s" (exprs1 exprs)) ast))
347 (when
348 (let [result (exprs1 exprs)]
349 (emit parent (string.format "%s = %s"
350 (if (= result "") "nil" result)) ast)))
351 (if (or opts.tail
352 ;; Prevent statements and expression from being used twice if they
353 ;; have side-effects. Since if the target or tail options are set,
354 ;; the expressions are already emitted, we should not return them. This
355 ;; is fine, as when these options are set, the caller doesn't need the
356 ;; result anyways.
357 {:returned true}
358 (doto exprs (tset :returned true))))
360 (fn find-macro [ast scope multi-sym-parts]
361 (fn find-in-table [t i]
362 (if (<= i (# multi-sym-parts))
363 (find-in-table (and (utils.table? t) (. t (. multi-sym-parts i)))
364 (+ i 1))
365 t))
366 (let [macro* (and (utils.sym? (. ast 1))
367 (. scope.macros (utils.deref (. ast 1))))]
368 (if (and (not macro*) multi-sym-parts)
369 (let [nested-macro (find-in-table scope.macros 1)]
370 (assert-compile (or (not (. scope.macros (. multi-sym-parts 1)))
371 (= (type nested-macro) :function))
372 "macro not found in imported macro module" ast)
373 nested-macro)
374 macro*)))
376 (fn macroexpand* [ast scope once]
377 "Expand macros in the ast. Only do one level if once is true."
378 (if (not (utils.list? ast)) ; bail early if not a list
379 ast
380 (let [macro* (find-macro ast scope (utils.multi-sym? (. ast 1)))]
381 (if (not macro*)
382 ast
383 (let [old-scope scopes.macro
384 _ (set scopes.macro scope)
385 (ok transformed) (pcall macro* (unpack ast 2))]
386 (set scopes.macro old-scope)
387 (assert-compile ok transformed ast)
388 (if (or once (not transformed))
389 transformed
390 (macroexpand* transformed scope)))))))
392 (fn compile-special [ast scope parent opts special]
393 (let [exprs (or (special ast scope parent opts)
394 (utils.expr :nil :literal))
395 ;; Be very accepting of strings or expressions as well as lists
396 ;; or expressions
397 exprs (if (= (type exprs) :string)
398 (utils.expr exprs :expression)
399 exprs)
400 exprs (if (utils.expr? exprs)
401 [exprs]
402 exprs)]
403 ;; Unless the special form explicitly handles the target, tail,
404 ;; and nval properties, (indicated via the 'returned' flag),
405 ;; handle these options.
406 (if (not exprs.returned)
407 (handle-compile-opts exprs parent opts ast)
408 (or opts.tail
409 {:returned true}
410 exprs)))
412 ;; TODO: too long
413 (fn compile-call [ast scope parent opts compile1]
414 (utils.hook :call ast scope)
415 (let [len (# ast)
416 first (. ast 1)
417 multi-sym-parts (utils.multi-sym? first)
418 special (and (utils.sym? first) (. scope.specials (utils.deref first)))]
419 (assert-compile (> len 0)
420 "expected a function, macro, or special to call" ast)
421 (if special
422 (compile-special ast scope parent opts special)
423 (and multi-sym-parts multi-sym-parts.multi-sym-method-call)
424 (let [table-with-method (table.concat
425 [(unpack multi-sym-parts 1
426 (- (# multi-sym-parts) 1))]
427 ".")
428 method-to-call (. multi-sym-parts (# multi-sym-parts))
429 new-ast (utils.list (utils.sym ":" scope)
430 (utils.sym table-with-method scope)
431 method-to-call (select 2 (unpack ast)))]
432 (compile1 new-ast scope parent opts))
433 (let [fargs [] ; regular function call
434 fcallee (. (compile1 (. ast 1) scope parent {:nval 1}) 1)]
435 (assert-compile (not= fcallee.type :literal)
436 (.. "cannot call literal value " (tostring first)) ast)
437 (for [i 2 len]
438 (let [subexprs (compile1 (. ast i) scope parent
439 {:nval (or (and (not= i len) 1) nil)})]
440 (table.insert fargs (or (. subexprs 1) (utils.expr :nil :literal)))
441 (if (= i len)
442 ;; Add sub expressions to function args
443 (for [j 2 (# subexprs)]
444 (table.insert fargs (. subexprs j)))
445 ;; Emit sub expression only for side effects
446 (keep-side-effects subexprs parent 2 (. ast i)))))
447 (let [call (string.format "%s(%s)" (tostring fcallee) (exprs1 fargs))]
448 (handle-compile-opts [(utils.expr call :statement)] parent opts ast))))))
450 (fn compile-varg [ast scope parent opts]
451 (assert-compile scope.vararg "unexpected vararg" ast)
452 (handle-compile-opts [(utils.expr "..." "varg")] parent opts ast))
454 (fn compile-sym [ast scope parent opts]
455 (let [multi-sym-parts (utils.multi-sym? ast)]
456 (assert-compile (not (and multi-sym-parts multi-sym-parts.multi-sym-method-call))
457 "multisym method calls may only be in call position" ast)
458 ;; Handle nil as special symbol - it resolves to the nil literal
459 ;; rather than being unmangled. Alternatively, we could remove it
460 ;; from the lua keywords table.
461 (let [e (if (= (. ast 1) "nil")
462 (utils.expr "nil" "literal")
463 (symbol-to-expression ast scope true))]
464 (handle-compile-opts [e] parent opts ast))))
466 (fn compile-scalar [ast _scope parent opts]
467 (let [serialize (match (type ast)
468 :nil tostring
469 :boolean tostring
470 :string serialize-string
471 :number (partial string.format "%.17g"))]
472 (handle-compile-opts [(utils.expr (serialize ast) :literal)] parent opts)))
474 (fn compile-table [ast scope parent opts compile1]
475 (let [buffer []]
476 (for [i 1 (# ast)] ; write numeric keyed values
477 (let [nval (and (not= i (# ast)) 1)]
478 (table.insert buffer (exprs1 (compile1 (. ast i) scope parent
479 {:nval nval})))))
480 (fn write-other-values [k]
481 (when (or (not= (type k) :number)
482 (not= (math.floor k) k)
483 (< k 1) (> k (# ast)))
484 (if (and (= (type k) :string) (utils.valid-lua-identifier? k))
485 [k k]
486 (let [[compiled] (compile1 k scope parent {:nval 1})
487 kstr (.. "[" (tostring compiled) "]")]
488 [kstr k]))))
489 (let [keys (doto (utils.kvmap ast write-other-values)
490 (table.sort (fn [a b] (< (. a 1) (. b 1)))))]
491 ( keys (fn [k]
492 (let [v (tostring (. (compile1 (. ast (. k 2))
493 scope parent
494 {:nval 1}) 1))]
495 (string.format "%s = %s" (. k 1) v)))
496 buffer))
497 (handle-compile-opts [(utils.expr (.. "{" (table.concat buffer ", ") "}")
498 :expression)] parent opts ast)))
500 (fn compile1 [ast scope parent opts]
501 "Compile an AST expression in the scope into parent, a tree of lines that is
502 eventually compiled into Lua code. Also returns some information about the
503 evaluation of the compiled expression, which can be used by the calling
504 function. Macros are resolved here, as well as special forms in that order.
506 * the `ast` param is the root AST to compile
507 * the `scope` param is the scope in which we are compiling
508 * the `parent` param is the table of lines that we are compiling into.
509 add lines to parent by appending strings. Add indented blocks by appending
510 tables of more lines.
511 * the `opts` param contains info about where the form is being compiled
513 Fields of `opts` include:
514 target: mangled name of symbol(s) being compiled to.
515 Could be one variable, 'a', or a list, like 'a, b, _0_'.
516 tail: boolean indicating tail position if set. If set, form will generate
517 a return instruction.
518 nval: The number of values to compile to if it is known to be a fixed value.
520 In Lua, an expression can evaluate to 0 or more values via multiple returns. In
521 many cases, Lua will drop extra values and convert a 0 value expression to
522 nil. In other cases, Lua will use all of the values in an expression, such as
523 in the last argument of a function call. Nval is an option passed to compile1
524 to say that the resulting expression should have at least n values. It lets us
525 generate better code, because if we know we are only going to use 1 or 2 values
526 from an expression, we can create 1 or 2 locals to store intermediate results
527 rather than turn the expression into a closure that is called immediately,
528 which we have to do if we don't know."
529 (let [opts (or opts [])
530 ast (macroexpand* ast scope)]
531 (if (utils.list? ast)
532 (compile-call ast scope parent opts compile1)
533 (utils.varg? ast)
534 (compile-varg ast scope parent opts)
535 (utils.sym? ast)
536 (compile-sym ast scope parent opts)
537 (= (type ast) "table")
538 (compile-table ast scope parent opts compile1)
539 (or (= (type ast) "nil") (= (type ast) "boolean")
540 (= (type ast) "number") (= (type ast) "string"))
541 (compile-scalar ast scope parent opts)
542 (assert-compile false (.. "could not compile value of type "
543 (type ast)) ast))))
545 ;; You may be tempted to clean up and refactor this function because it's so
546 ;; huge and stateful but it really needs to get replaced; it is too tightly
547 ;; coupled to the way the compiler outputs Lua; it should be split into general
548 ;; data-driven parts vs Lua-emitting parts.
549 (fn destructure [to from ast scope parent opts]
550 "Implements destructuring for forms like let, bindings, etc.
551 Takes a number of opts to control behavior.
552 * var: Whether or not to mark symbols as mutable
553 * declaration: begin each assignment with 'local' in output
554 * nomulti: disallow multisyms in the destructuring. for (local) and (global)
555 * noundef: Don't set undefined bindings. (set)
556 * forceglobal: Don't allow local bindings"
557 (let [opts (or opts {})
558 {: isvar : declaration : nomulti : noundef : forceglobal : forceset} opts
559 setter (if declaration "local %s = %s" "%s = %s")
560 new-manglings []]
562 (fn getname [symbol up1]
563 "Get Lua source for symbol, and check for errors"
564 (let [raw (. symbol 1)]
565 (assert-compile (not (and nomulti (utils.multi-sym? raw)))
566 (.. "unexpected multi symbol " raw) up1)
567 (if declaration
568 ;; Technically this is too early to declare the local, but leaving
569 ;; out the meta table and setting it later works around the problem.
570 (declare-local symbol nil scope symbol new-manglings)
571 (let [parts (or (utils.multi-sym? raw) [raw])
572 meta (. scope.symmeta (. parts 1))]
573 (when (and (= (# parts) 1) (not forceset))
574 (assert-compile (not (and forceglobal meta))
575 (string.format "global %s conflicts with local"
576 (tostring symbol)) symbol)
577 (assert-compile (not (and meta (not meta.var)))
578 (.. "expected var " raw) symbol)
579 (assert-compile (or meta (not noundef))
580 (.. "expected local " (. parts 1)) symbol))
581 (when forceglobal
582 (assert-compile (not (. scope.symmeta (. scope.unmanglings raw)))
583 (.. "global " raw " conflicts with local") symbol)
584 (tset scope.manglings raw (global-mangling raw))
585 (tset scope.unmanglings (global-mangling raw) raw)
586 (when allowed-globals
587 (table.insert allowed-globals raw)))
588 (. (symbol-to-expression symbol scope) 1)))))
590 (fn compile-top-target [lvalues]
591 "Compile the outer most form. We can generate better Lua in this case."
592 ;; Calculate initial rvalue
593 (let [inits ( lvalues #(if (. scope.manglings $) $ "nil"))
594 init (table.concat inits ", ")
595 lvalue (table.concat lvalues ", ")]
596 (var (plen plast) (values (# parent) (. parent (# parent))))
597 (local ret (compile1 from scope parent {:target lvalue}))
598 (when declaration
599 ;; A single leaf emitted at the end of the parent chunk means a
600 ;; simple assignment a = x was emitted, and we can just splice
601 ;; "local " onto the front of it. However, we can't just check
602 ;; based on plen, because some forms (such as include) insert new
603 ;; chunks at the top of the parent chunk rather than just at the
604 ;; end; this loop checks for this occurance and updates plen to be
605 ;; the index of the last thing in the parent before compiling the
606 ;; new value.
607 (for [pi plen (# parent)]
608 (when (= (. parent pi) plast)
609 (set plen pi)))
610 (if (and (= (# parent) (+ plen 1)) (. (. parent (# parent)) "leaf"))
611 (tset (. parent (# parent)) :leaf
612 (.. "local " (. (. parent (# parent)) "leaf")))
613 (table.insert parent (+ plen 1)
614 {:ast ast :leaf (.. "local " lvalue " = " init)})))
615 ret))
617 (fn effective-key [key val]
618 (let [key (if (and (utils.sym? key) (= (tostring key) ":") (utils.sym? val))
619 (tostring val)
620 key)]
621 (if (= (type key) :string)
622 (serialize-string key)
623 key)))
625 (fn destructure1 [left rightexprs up1 top]
626 "Recursive auxiliary function"
627 (if (and (utils.sym? left) (not= (. left 1) "nil"))
628 (let [lname (getname left up1)]
629 (check-binding-valid left scope left)
630 (if top
631 (compile-top-target [lname])
632 (emit parent (setter:format lname (exprs1 rightexprs)) left))
633 ;; We have to declare meta for the left *after* compiling the right
634 ;; see
635 (when declaration
636 (tset scope.symmeta (utils.deref left) {:var isvar})))
637 (utils.table? left) ; table destructuring
638 (let [s (gensym scope)]
639 (var right (if top
640 (exprs1 (compile1 from scope parent))
641 (exprs1 rightexprs)))
642 (when (= right "")
643 (set right "nil"))
644 (emit parent (string.format "local %s = %s" s right) left)
645 (each [k v (utils.stablepairs left)]
646 (if (and (utils.sym? (. left k)) (= (. (. left k) 1) "&"))
647 (do
648 (assert-compile (and (= (type k) "number")
649 (not (. left (+ k 2))))
650 "expected rest argument before last parameter"
651 left)
652 (let [unpack-str "{(table.unpack or unpack)(%s, %s)}"
653 formatted (string.format unpack-str s k)
654 subexpr (utils.expr formatted "expression")]
655 (destructure1 (. left (+ k 1)) [subexpr] left)
656 (lua "return")))
657 (let [subexpr (utils.expr (string.format "%s[%s]" s
658 (effective-key k v))
659 :expression)]
660 (destructure1 v [subexpr] left)))))
661 (utils.list? left) ;; values destructuring
662 (let [(left-names tables) (values [] [])]
663 (each [i name (ipairs left)]
664 (if (utils.sym? name) ; binding directly to a name
665 (table.insert left-names (getname name up1))
666 (let [symname (gensym scope)]
667 ;; further destructuring of tables inside values
668 (table.insert left-names symname)
669 (tset tables i [name (utils.expr symname "sym")]))))
670 (if top
671 (compile-top-target left-names)
672 (let [lvalue (table.concat left-names ", ")
673 setting (setter:format lvalue (exprs1 rightexprs))]
674 (emit parent setting left)))
675 (when declaration
676 (each [_ sym (ipairs left)]
677 (tset scope.symmeta (utils.deref sym) {:var isvar})))
678 ;; recurse if left-side tables found
679 (each [_ pair (utils.stablepairs tables)]
680 (destructure1 (. pair 1) [(. pair 2)] left)))
681 (assert-compile false (string.format "unable to bind %s %s"
682 (type left) (tostring left))
683 (or (and (= (type (. up1 2)) "table") (. up1 2)) up1)))
684 (when top
685 {:returned true}))
687 (let [ret (destructure1 to nil ast true)]
688 (utils.hook :destructure from to scope)
689 (apply-manglings scope new-manglings ast)
690 ret)))
692 (fn require-include [ast scope parent opts]
693 (fn opts.fallback [e]
694 (utils.expr (string.format "require(%s)" (tostring e)) :statement))
695 ( ast scope parent opts))
697 (fn compile-stream [strm options]
698 (let [opts (utils.copy options)
699 old-globals allowed-globals
700 scope (or opts.scope (make-scope
701 vals []
702 chunk []]
703 (utils.root:set-reset)
704 (set allowed-globals opts.allowedGlobals)
705 (when (= opts.indent nil)
706 (set opts.indent " "))
707 (when opts.requireAsInclude
708 (set scope.specials.require require-include))
709 (set (utils.root.chunk utils.root.scope utils.root.options)
710 (values chunk scope opts))
711 (each [_ val (parser.parser strm opts.filename opts)]
712 (table.insert vals val))
713 (for [i 1 (# vals)]
714 (let [exprs (compile1 (. vals i) scope chunk
715 {:nval (or (and (< i (# vals)) 0) nil)
716 :tail (= i (# vals))})]
717 (keep-side-effects exprs chunk nil (. vals i))))
718 (set allowed-globals old-globals)
719 (utils.root.reset)
720 (flatten chunk opts)))
722 (fn compile-string [str opts]
723 (compile-stream (parser.string-stream str) (or opts {})))
725 (fn compile [ast opts]
726 (let [opts (utils.copy opts)
727 old-globals allowed-globals
728 chunk []
729 scope (or opts.scope (make-scope]
730 (utils.root:set-reset)
731 (set allowed-globals opts.allowedGlobals)
732 (when (= opts.indent nil)
733 (set opts.indent " "))
734 (when opts.requireAsInclude
735 (set scope.specials.require require-include))
736 (set (utils.root.chunk utils.root.scope utils.root.options)
737 (values chunk scope opts))
738 (let [exprs (compile1 ast scope chunk {:tail true})]
739 (keep-side-effects exprs chunk nil ast)
740 (set allowed-globals old-globals)
741 (utils.root.reset)
742 (flatten chunk opts))))
744 (fn traceback-frame [info]
745 (if (and (= info.what "C")
746 (string.format " [C]: in function '%s'"
747 (= info.what "C")
748 " [C]: in ?"
749 (let [remap (. fennel-sourcemap info.source)]
750 (when (and remap (. remap info.currentline))
751 ;; And some global info
752 (set info.short-src remap.short-src)
753 ;; Overwrite info with values from the mapping
754 ;; (mapping is now just integer, but may
755 ;; eventually be a table)
756 (set info.currentline (. remap info.currentline)))
757 (if (= info.what "Lua")
758 (string.format " %s:%d: in function %s"
759 info.short_src info.currentline
760 (if (.. "'" "'") "?"))
761 (= info.short-src "(tail call)")
762 " (tail call)"
763 (string.format " %s:%d: in main chunk"
764 info.short_src info.currentline)))))
766 (fn traceback [msg start]
767 "A custom traceback function for Fennel that looks similar to debug.traceback.
768 Use with xpcall to produce fennel specific stacktraces. Skips frames from the
769 compiler by default; these can be re-enabled with export FENNEL_DEBUG=trace."
770 (let [msg (or msg "")]
771 (if (and (or (msg:find "^Compile error") (msg:find "^Parse error"))
772 (not (utils.debug-on? :trace)))
773 msg ; skip the trace because it's compiler internals.
774 (let [lines []]
775 (if (or (msg:find "^Compile error") (msg:find "^Parse error"))
776 (table.insert lines msg)
777 (let [newmsg (msg:gsub "^[^:]*:%d+:%s+" "runtime error: ")]
778 (table.insert lines newmsg)))
779 (table.insert lines "stack traceback:")
780 (var (done? level) (values false (or start 2)))
781 ;; This would be cleaner factored out into its own recursive
782 ;; function, but that would interfere with the traceback itself!
783 (while (not done?)
784 (match (debug.getinfo level "Sln")
785 nil (set done? true)
786 info (table.insert lines (traceback-frame info)))
787 (set level (+ level 1)))
788 (table.concat lines "\n")))))
790 (fn entry-transform [fk fv]
791 "Make a transformer for key / value table pairs, preserving all numeric keys"
792 (fn [k v] (if (= (type k) "number")
793 (values k (fv v))
794 (values (fk k) (fv v)))))
796 (fn no [] "Consume everything and return nothing." nil)
798 (fn mixed-concat [t joiner]
799 (let [seen []]
800 (var (ret s) (values "" ""))
801 (each [k v (ipairs t)]
802 (table.insert seen k)
803 (set ret (.. ret s v))
804 (set s joiner))
805 (each [k v (utils.stablepairs t)]
806 (when (not (. seen k))
807 (set ret (.. ret s "[" k "]" "=" v))
808 (set s joiner)))
809 ret))
811 ;; TODO: too long
812 (fn do-quote [form scope parent runtime?]
813 "Expand a quoted form into a data literal, evaluating unquote"
814 (fn q [x] (do-quote x scope parent runtime?))
815 (if (utils.varg? form)
816 (do
817 (assert-compile (not runtime?)
818 "quoted ... may only be used at compile time" form)
819 "_VARARG")
820 (utils.sym? form) ; symbol
821 (let [filename (if form.filename (string.format "%q" form.filename) :nil)
822 symstr (utils.deref form)]
823 (assert-compile (not runtime?)
824 "symbols may only be used at compile time" form)
825 ;; We should be able to use "%q" for this but Lua 5.1 throws an error
826 ;; when you try to format nil, because it's extremely bad.
827 (if (or (symstr:find "#$") (symstr:find "#[:.]")) ; autogensym
828 (string.format "sym('%s', nil, {filename=%s, line=%s})"
829 (autogensym symstr scope) filename (or form.line :nil))
830 ;; prevent non-gensymed symbols from being bound as an identifier
831 (string.format "sym('%s', nil, {quoted=true, filename=%s, line=%s})"
832 symstr filename (or form.line :nil))))
833 (and (utils.list? form) ; unquote
834 (utils.sym? (. form 1))
835 (= (utils.deref (. form 1)) :unquote))
836 (let [payload (. form 2)
837 res (unpack (compile1 payload scope parent))]
838 (. res 1))
839 (utils.list? form) ; list
840 (let [mapped (utils.kvmap form (entry-transform no q))
841 filename (if form.filename (string.format "%q" form.filename) :nil)]
842 (assert-compile (not runtime?)
843 "lists may only be used at compile time" form)
844 ;; Constructing a list and then adding file/line data to it triggers a
845 ;; bug where it changes the value of # for lists that contain nils in
846 ;; them; constructing the list all in one go with the source data and
847 ;; contents is how we construct lists in the parser and works around
848 ;; this problem; allowing # to work in a way that lets us see the nils.
849 (string.format (.. "setmetatable({filename=%s, line=%s, bytestart=%s, %s}"
850 ", getmetatable(list()))")
851 filename (or form.line :nil) (or form.bytestart :nil)
852 (mixed-concat mapped ", ")))
853 (= (type form) "table") ; table
854 (let [mapped (utils.kvmap form (entry-transform q q))
855 source (getmetatable form)
856 filename (if source.filename (string.format "%q" source.filename) :nil)]
857 (string.format "setmetatable({%s}, {filename=%s, line=%s})"
858 (mixed-concat mapped ", ") filename
859 (if source source.line :nil)))
860 (= (type form) "string")
861 (serialize-string form)
862 (tostring form)))
864 {;; compiling functions
865 : compile : compile1 : compile-stream : compile-string : emit : destructure
866 : require-include
868 ;; AST functions
869 : autogensym : gensym : do-quote : global-mangling : global-unmangling
870 : apply-manglings :macroexpand macroexpand*
872 ;; scope functions
873 : declare-local : make-scope : keep-side-effects : symbol-to-expression
875 ;; general
876 :assert assert-compile : scopes : traceback :metadata (make-metadata)
877 }