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Date Ref Log Author
2022-06-09 f4997a2 simplified reading and writing of bytes to and from server Jesse Laprade
2021-03-30 2c97d0d Added SSL and password support! Jesse Laprade
2021-03-24 fbd3c95 changed let binding name Jesse Laprade
2021-03-22 7efb3e5 Removed testing lines from config.rkt Jesse Laprade
2021-03-22 47078a1 Rewrite irc message parser! Jesse Laprade
2021-03-22 e1d5be4 wrote channel and message getters Jesse Laprade
2021-03-21 3b0dc64 WIP: Now parses nicknames and usernames in a cleaner and more organized way Jesse Laprade
2021-03-09 864d432 updated readme to point to ruth's commands Jesse Laprade
2021-01-12 528b11b Revert "added birthdays command" Jesse Laprade
2021-01-12 de0bc18 added birthdays command Jesse Laprade
2021-01-08 ae2d25a fixed order of command match body Jesse Laprade
2021-01-08 88c7082 another attempt at fixing the regex Jesse Laprade
2021-01-08 42fc3f4 another attempt at fixing the regex Jesse Laprade
2021-01-08 8bfaf56 escaped hyphen in regex Jesse Laprade
2021-01-08 7338a22 Fixed misplaced hyphen in regex Jesse Laprade
2021-01-08 c1fbfce redesign test Jesse Laprade
2021-01-04 5c6a363 Added oulipo to channel list Jesse Laprade
2021-01-01 e5e1f32 Updated config Jesse Laprade
2020-11-22 de94d24 reverting ruth back for now Jesse Laprade
2020-11-22 f49cfe8 okay that didn't work. back to the other thing that didn't work Jesse Laprade
2020-11-22 65d8817 Trying something... Jesse Laprade
2020-11-22 6cb4760 this might actually work Jesse Laprade
2020-11-22 d8c5299 Hopefully unbroke the regex haha Jesse Laprade
2020-11-22 a74a393 Attempting to fix regex with lucidiot's help Jesse Laprade
2020-11-22 349edc3 Applying lucidiot's channel prefix fix Jesse Laprade
2020-11-22 1710263 Attempting to fix message regex Jesse Laprade
2020-11-22 a216990 Attempting to fix message regex Jesse Laprade
2020-11-22 184b556 Attempting to fix message regex Jesse Laprade
2020-11-22 4f65d95 Attempting to fix message regex Jesse Laprade
2020-10-21 ebcb15f added U+0415 and U+0435 to the bad glyph list Jesse Laprade
2020-10-19 73e3b58 Removed tilde from regex Jesse Laprade
2020-10-19 d9b5427 Revert "Removed oulipo stuff because ruth randomly stopped working haha" Jesse Laprade
2020-10-19 890990a Removed oulipo stuff because ruth randomly stopped working haha Jesse Laprade
2020-10-16 daecd6a added thirtybot except hahaha Jesse Laprade
2020-10-15 1714b3f updated list of es Jesse Laprade
2020-10-15 fa9b785 Added oulipo functionality! Jesse Laprade
2020-10-15 bdf022f Added oulipo functionality! Jesse Laprade
2020-10-15 aae69a7 cleaned up command listening code Jesse Laprade
2020-10-02 75c5969 Updated message Jesse Laprade
2020-09-25 7ae74f8 regenerating readme Jesse Laprade
2020-09-25 d47839f generating readme.html Jesse Laprade
2020-07-16 524e2fa fixed pattern matching 'typo' Jesse Laprade
2020-07-16 67cc9d2 simplified pattern matching with match expander Jesse Laprade
2020-07-14 e65339d changed all instances of 'his' to 'her' Jesse Laprade
2020-07-14 36f84d4 fixed accidental multi-line string Jesse Laprade
2020-07-14 e9e02ae fixed match syntax issue Jesse Laprade
2020-07-14 ed92d66 removed out-of-date information in readme Jesse Laprade
2020-07-14 f7e151d added channel-joining examples Jesse Laprade
2020-07-14 c5c5cf2 rewrote and added procedures. made ruth a copy of charlie Jesse Laprade
2020-06-29 8cc6dd7 updated rollcall command Jesse Laprade
2020-06-29 697335c replaced list shorthand with spelled-out version Jesse Laprade
2020-06-29 ca04a4a changed vector to list Jesse Laprade
2020-06-29 f581308 working on getting the match down right Jesse Laprade
2020-06-29 5ab4910 removed string? check Jesse Laprade
2020-06-29 2780e6a changed vector shorthand to spelled-out vector Jesse Laprade
2020-06-28 5302c24 removed old parameter Jesse Laprade
2020-06-28 a696a73 changed server-data-hash to server-data-string Jesse Laprade
2020-06-28 13bd030 changed sender to nickname Jesse Laprade
2020-06-28 70f18e6 changed matching to check for vectors instead of lists Jesse Laprade
2020-06-28 09983db fixed a mis-named procedure Jesse Laprade
2020-06-28 c30d072 removed game-like procedures from ruth Jesse Laprade
2020-06-18 7cf8ecb Added a note that I've moved my development over to charlie Jesse Laprade
2020-06-09 5829cfa removed unused feed-ruth and check-ruth commands Jesse Laprade
2020-06-08 3fb8afb Added a note Jesse Laprade
2020-06-05 f841957 Fixed a typo in * Changed "happines" to "happiness" Jesse Laprade
2020-06-01 2543bc3 fixed typo in config m455
2020-06-01 a168e88 changed formatting of check-ruth message m455
2020-06-01 700e711 changed health to happiness. a little less morbid? haha m455
2020-06-01 150cb3e fixed ACTIONs thanks to archangelic <3! m455
2020-06-01 ae6843c removed some of the laughing acronyms from keywords m455
2020-06-01 27fc569 removed weird spaces after health conditions m455
2020-05-31 4d871bf changed default name back to ruth m455
2020-05-31 5191bf8 cleaned up a few things and added some helper functions m455
2020-05-31 a6c5d07 changed 'trans rights' to 'trans' so it would be found easier :P m455
2020-05-31 25bea31 updated readme m455
2020-05-31 8c22d51 shorted the process-health logic m455
2020-05-31 05f1851 added logic to handle a state of 1 m455
2020-05-31 85a6859 changed some formatting m455
2020-05-31 b3d6f82 changed emojis to ascii art instead m455
2020-05-31 1d4cc57 fixed a bug that returned void if lower than 25 but greater than 0 m455
2020-05-31 49fc19b removed prefixes m455
2020-05-31 d66d762 i dont remember what i did to be honest m455
2020-05-31 d6cbbc0 Merge branch 'master' of m455
2020-05-31 042e567 removed extra debugging message m455
2020-05-30 24e7e1a updated readme Jesse Laprade
2020-05-30 0d5991c removed screenshot from readme Jesse Laprade
2020-05-30 c26b3e1 updated readme m455
2020-05-30 de2103a added new commands to the readme m455
2020-05-30 bd80886 turned ruth into a living bot! m455
2020-05-30 48f876d added actions m455
2020-05-29 d7e67e9 updated readme m455
2020-05-29 ddde6dc added new command to rollcall message m455
2020-05-29 9be0952 added new command to rollcall message m455
2020-05-29 6464209 added a silly command to ruth. shhh m455
2020-05-29 e35acb9 added a silly command to ruth. shhh m455
2020-05-29 eb75598 added a silly command to ruth. shhh m455
2020-05-24 d81648a trimmed down the requires Jesse Laprade
2020-05-23 9b27f3c cleaned up ruth, and updated readme Jesse Laprade
2020-04-15 e3fc3d3 Merge branch 'master' of m455
2020-04-15 53b28d4 removed the 'divid by four' for the cpu calculator m455
2020-04-13 1d9ee3b fixed screenshot reference link m455
2020-04-13 1cac72b changed name to match other repositories's screenshot filenames m455
2020-04-13 c5216a1 added a link to the racket page, just in case m455
2020-04-13 351157f updated ruth's readme and added a screenshare m455
2020-04-06 3dc4fca updated cpu command m455
2020-03-31 9903e9c updated default channels for m455
2020-03-28 e23d1dd fixed typo m455
2020-03-25 7c95a1f just added a percentage symbol m455
2020-03-25 9e35a15 changed ram command to cpu m455
2020-03-22 71d72a5 updated readme m455
2020-02-07 4776f69 added some more tweaks for m455
2020-02-07 d5c1a44 tailored ruth to m455
2020-02-06 f25342c done for now! m455
2020-02-06 f844934 first command successfully found! note to self: trim returns in the message data -____- m455
2020-02-06 3603aff added notes to remove comment clutter in source code m455
2020-02-06 2b6180f renamed a function m455
2020-02-06 6020ac5 full parsing enableddddddddd m455
2020-02-06 140c32f added testing section note m455
2020-02-06 5fe7242 ruth now gets nicknames and usernames m455
2020-02-04 edad194 okay fixed that case problem m455
2020-02-04 2408b8d can now parse a nickname horribly m455
2020-02-02 5b9bec6 ruth can now join multiple channels m455
2020-02-02 82d9c83 okay that description is better m455
2020-02-02 89caf91 just realized 'purpose' didn't make sense in the old readme m455
2020-02-02 99da206 ruth handles pings now m455
2020-01-31 6911ee9 just hardcoded some config details in the functions, seeing as they will be modified through the config anyway m455
2020-01-29 f96b6ed starting fresh, WITHOUT the racket IRC! ouuu ahhhh m455
2019-10-10 43014f8 adding to m455
2019-10-06 a05e3f3 added a crisis command m455
2019-10-02 6a9ecfb pushing latest changes, whatever they are m455
2019-09-14 680d7a6 made things a little more organized m455
2019-08-31 19f8054 fixed an error that occured if a message was blank, which originally resulted in an empty list m455
2019-08-18 8e47082 split up a procedure into two procedures m455
2019-08-18 f587eb6 figured out a way to get command arguments from messages m455
2019-08-16 4293b3e cleaned up commands m455
2019-08-15 cdc00ee removed a few comment lines m455
2019-08-15 9d2a240 typo in channel name m455
2019-08-15 5ad5d3a added some commands and moved a definition m455
2019-08-14 3c4e5bc removed shebang m455
2019-08-14 d7965da ruth is coming along! m455
2019-08-12 4143f48 coming alonggg m455
2019-07-14 7f70152 parsed content, now to put it into a hash table or something! m455
2019-07-07 e46ccfe removed some functions m455
2019-07-07 8d94385 cleaned up code! i think? m455
2019-07-07 1c60b3c cleaned up code! i think? m455
2019-06-26 3867b07 slowly coming together m455
2019-06-25 088fb5e first push of experimental code m455
2019-06-24 dbe629d Update Jesse
2019-06-24 0fc7cee Initial commit Jesse