
clone url: git://


Date Ref Log Author
2020-07-15 826f871 updated makefile m455
2020-07-11 43b8f95 updated readme m455
2020-07-11 25ca1a1 simplified makefile m455
2020-07-07 af3263d updated makefile m455
2020-07-07 6c0a123 updated readme m455
2020-07-07 3f854d4 updated custom installation m455
2020-07-07 eb42c95 Improved the makefile m455
2020-07-03 2abc207 updated header contents m455
2020-06-30 cf43d92 changed back to default syntax highlighting style m455
2020-06-29 39e1b94 reworded description m455
2020-06-29 c04663a removed 'lowercased' note m455
2020-06-29 d8576f9 updated readme m455
2020-06-26 f4ef1d5 Cleaned up command line parsing and fixed bugs * Changed command line parsing to use `match` instead of case * Added (repair) before `preview` and `clean` commands m455
2020-06-16 4853ddb Removed current directory and 'index.html' from http serving paths. it seems like they weren't needed, and that before i was viewing the cache from the old server. note to self: test on a different port every time? m455
2020-06-11 082a8cd Changed the syntax highlighting theme to use haddock. gosh i love pandoc m455
2020-06-10 15662a5 fixed a capitalization issue m455
2020-06-10 73701f8 Added some notes to the preview procedure to help myself understand what's going on m455
2020-06-10 451fccb Learned the hard way that a for loop with two lists needs them to be the same length or it skips the last items in the list that is longer than the initial one. woops m455
2020-06-10 87b24dd Removed the dependency on the Python3 HTTP server. Now pancake can serve the website over HTTP m455
2020-06-10 9aede21 Closed a missing parentheses. Forgot I added a new let statement in there m455
2020-06-10 300d9ce cleaned up a bunch of stuff m455
2020-06-09 bad7e9b added a hyphen? m455
2020-06-09 24a8292 fixed figure caption formatting m455
2020-06-08 57407b5 Changed 'publish' to 'build' m455
2020-06-07 8a043c0 Changed the default behaviour of the blog title to be a link to the root m455
2020-06-07 6b9706e Add --base-header-level=2 to the pandoc command, so there is only one heading 1 in each HTML document m455
2020-06-06 7512d0e updated readme m455
2020-06-06 8e05feb Updated the TOC m455
2020-06-06 a1ca1e3 added conventions to my readme m455
2020-06-06 a33470e added a section TOC to the 'understanding pancakes directories section' m455
2020-06-06 102a0db updated the readme m455
2020-06-06 f5c3f7b Added installation, unintallation, and using pancake sections to the README m455
2020-06-06 626e5a0 Updated m455
2020-06-06 ebb07a8 Removed the deletion of any git directories found when running pancake clean m455
2020-06-05 ea61251 added an ID to the footer for styling m455
2020-06-05 252bff6 added a horizontal rule after the nav links by default m455
2020-06-05 c06e6cc Added a disclaimer m455
2020-06-05 0310b7e Added a 'cleaning complete' statement to the clean command m455
2020-06-05 dcefe75 * Removed accidentally hard-coded hash key * Added a 'misc' folder for random files m455
2020-06-05 cd724d3 added a 'clean' command m455
2020-06-05 05e0502 made a Makefile! m455
2020-06-05 f825c8c 'Made' preview m455
2020-06-05 6facfea * Added notes regarding things to update * Decided I will use Python's HTTP server to preview the website m455
2020-06-05 dc5c8ba preview is rewritten, AND is easier to read code-wise! m455
2020-06-05 7a6a6bb okay, bed for real this time m455
2020-06-04 2ca475d just adding a note before bed m455
2020-06-04 36c7d91 backing this up for now m455
2020-06-04 36f80ff added more notes m455
2020-06-04 41ae006 added more notes m455
2020-06-04 959f2e3 Added some todos m455
2020-06-04 f3a8b0b Added some todos m455
2020-06-04 232821b created a procedure for (path->string (path->directory-path ...)) m455
2020-06-04 5e7e924 now all path handling actually uses paths and built-in path procedures, instead of mixing up path->string and string->path m455
2020-06-04 7b53f8a now all path handling actually uses paths and built-in path procedures, instead of mixing up path->string and string->path m455
2020-06-03 0a936b8 packing up for the night. this is coming along! m455
2020-06-03 ccd1637 yep... m455
2020-06-01 2afca00 updated todos m455
2020-06-01 72efa25 removed a comma in one spot, added a comma in another. very exciting m455
2020-06-01 a0d4826 added never-asked questions to TOC m455
2020-06-01 456ec06 removed old headings from TOC m455
2020-06-01 0513b6e * Recreated a `# Goals` heading that I accidentally deleted in the last few commits. m455
2020-06-01 dea3c7e reworded a section title m455
2020-06-01 84ff7cd added yet another sassy section m455
2020-06-01 51a2ba7 updated readme with sassy section m455
2020-06-01 2615dce moved todos from readme to pancake.rkt, so I don't forget to remove them from the readme in the future m455
2020-06-01 736a68b added todo m455
2020-06-01 84c3a0f Merge pull request #2 from m455/build-path-rewrite Jesse Laprade
2020-06-01 43e3794 oh yesss repair is done! and it's beautiful! (i think haha) m455
2020-06-01 57d8fbc Merge pull request #1 from m455/build-path-rewrite Jesse Laprade
2020-06-01 a80ce52 updated readme and added notes m455
2020-06-01 78a25ee updated readme and added notes m455
2020-06-01 1a85c27 updated readme and added notes m455
2020-06-01 bcf75c1 reorganized procedures m455
2020-06-01 c1a960b organized a few procedures together m455
2020-06-01 11529ba implemented the detection of 'fake' files and directories m455
2020-06-01 93511bf yesss it now detect 'fake' directories which are just files with the same name and vice versa! m455
2020-05-31 7d90db4 reworkign that repair procedure. not done yett m455
2020-05-31 61e23ec Finished up the initialize command. pretty happy with how easy it is to read, even if it's super procedural m455
2020-05-29 6c52b3a did a really cool fix! m455
2020-05-29 21f4d31 described what was going on in the build-path-string procedure m455
2020-05-29 5834236 removed a procedure that was only used once and combined it into another one m455
2020-05-29 0d195a4 added some notes 'n unquotes. look, it rhymes m455
2020-05-29 10d8889 okay. i need to sleep aha m455
2020-05-29 3df099d okay. i need to sleep aha m455
2020-05-28 048b443 obliterated everything again lol m455
2020-05-28 0f698e7 oranized a few procedures into their own sections m455
2020-05-28 3aa9252 pushing this for now m455
2020-05-28 0b4cf7d okay this is starting to clean up. it's definitely broken as hell right now though m455
2020-05-28 1cef417 removed paths and paths-ref. gonna try rebuilding this in a more declarative way so i can see what's going on when i go to update it in the future... if this ever has a future/will finish being built aha m455
2020-05-25 30e4a86 added a todo to readme m455
2020-05-25 a1ee525 added a todo to readme m455
2020-05-25 19c77b4 added a todo to readme m455
2020-05-25 afb96f4 okay, split the reference bit into a separate file, to keep myself from getting confused m455
2020-05-25 27b1da5 looks like there's gonna be yet another rewrite? -___- m455
2020-05-25 db4cd6e looks like there's gonna be yet another rewrite? -___- m455
2020-05-25 79eee7a added todos to readme m455
2020-05-25 a8e8dc6 updated todos on readme m455
2020-05-25 ea47abc added more notes m455
2020-05-25 650ff0e added some notes m455
2020-05-22 4e1ee7d updated readme m455
2020-05-22 86d40fa updated readme m455
2020-05-21 11b54a2 changed case parentheses into brackets m455
2020-05-21 b22ecf4 removed an unnecessary lambda m455
2020-05-21 e0e3b03 added todos to readme m455
2020-05-21 823c96f added todos to readme m455
2020-05-21 595e8a9 added some notes m455
2020-05-21 a4ecc34 woop m455
2020-05-21 f7bfda8 pancake now helps the user repair missing directories and files! m455
2020-05-21 985e752 pancake now helps the user repair missing directories and files! m455
2020-05-21 df9cb57 slowly adding an initialization option m455
2020-05-20 01574b0 added some notes m455
2020-05-20 8126acb uploading more broken code. it just keeps getting better! m455
2020-05-20 78410b8 packin up for nowwww m455
2020-05-20 2712853 packin up for nowwww m455
2020-05-19 8cba8c4 did some wild eval stuff in this one m455
2020-05-18 89bf5e6 backuppp m455
2020-05-17 320ac72 updated initialize m455
2020-05-17 68bec45 removed extra file m455
2020-05-17 f3215f0 cleaned up a bit m455
2020-05-14 47045ec added more notes m455
2020-05-14 042ac52 added more notes m455
2020-05-14 e0c5f29 added more notes for output argument to pandoc m455
2020-05-14 f635435 breaking code down into sections. im *this* close to breaking it into separate files, but trying not toooooo m455
2020-05-14 c314ca6 added a note m455
2020-05-14 84a444f organizing the hell out of this! m455
2020-05-14 6e0556e organizing the hell out of this! m455
2020-05-14 9465424 uploading a plethora of roughs and notes m455
2020-05-12 8ec89da started developing the 'publish' procedure m455
2020-05-11 6cf2500 changed 'made with' messages m455
2020-05-11 014cc92 made my errors easier to read code-wise m455
2020-05-11 05d303b made my errors easier to read code-wise m455
2020-05-11 fe99915 removed /tmp/ from directory list, since it only needs to exist in the 'preview' procedure m455
2020-05-11 6569163 aw yeah m455
2020-05-11 6c63b8d aw yeah m455
2020-05-11 16fba69 okay, did an ugly fix, bug back to hash tables, so markdown conversion will be easier m455
2020-05-11 f486897 really cleaning this thing up! m455
2020-05-11 93aebb5 oof m455
2020-05-11 71136d9 slowly cleaning this beast up! m455
2020-05-09 dcc9cd4 removed pancake emoji m455
2020-05-09 7799228 added warning signs for fun m455
2020-05-09 5b2efa4 added warning signs for fun m455
2020-05-09 b6a8c7b updated readme m455
2020-05-09 78d5b8a deleted a pancake. forgot there was a picture. yes. i just deleted a pancake m455
2020-05-09 5e67916 blah m455
2020-05-09 10a0d0a backup m455
2020-05-09 39ec8fe backupppp m455
2020-05-06 1be3fec broke off procedures into sections m455
2020-05-05 90660ca added notes m455
2020-05-05 6cb27c6 added more notes m455
2020-05-03 b0a8f50 removed excess emacs file m455
2020-05-03 beeb058 finished making notes for later m455
2020-05-03 f727630 still broken, but progressing haha m455
2020-05-02 95d0dc5 left some useful comments for myself later, so i don't forget m455
2020-05-02 02c181c still broken, just backing up in case m455
2020-05-02 2aa0453 BROKEN: backing this up for now m455
2020-04-29 9dd1194 added notes m455
2020-04-27 0c0ff2c added todos m455
2020-04-25 746003e turned parentheses into brackets m455
2020-04-24 447019a reordered some creation messages m455
2020-04-24 f0f1c18 added a footer! m455
2020-04-24 bbe6b51 cleaned up (clean), yet again m455
2020-04-24 500d53b fixed indentation in (clean) m455
2020-04-24 e809a0d reorganized (clean) a bit m455
2020-04-24 b070e32 indented metadata string m455
2020-04-24 39ff5b7 removed generated files m455
2020-04-24 65a487f cleaned up some stuff. added message for empty public_html directory on clean m455
2020-04-24 b080780 removed old comment m455
2020-04-24 4ffd640 removed old comment, shebang line, and updated readme m455
2020-04-24 9fa19f7 updated readme with some serious documentation m455
2020-04-24 f01e4da updated readme with some serious documentation m455
2020-04-24 025ebd9 cleaned up generated files m455
2020-04-24 3009ce0 finished up the creation of new arguments m455
2020-04-23 d42c2f8 i dont remember if i backed up latest changes haha m455
2020-04-22 3d73efd totally forgot to reset, AGAIN m455
2020-04-22 f1bf2a6 sweet sweet logo m455
2020-04-21 81add0f almost done this branch! m455
2020-04-21 10408aa fixed up some stuff? m455
2020-04-21 4346ba9 fixed up some stuff? m455
2020-04-21 0a240f2 pushing these changes for now m455
2020-04-21 daa38dc pushing these changes for now m455
2020-04-20 fcdc557 renamed a few features m455
2020-04-19 6dab7fe updated notes m455
2020-04-19 44d6bf8 this is getting too fun! m455
2020-04-19 6d8a20c added a note m455
2020-04-19 8d648fb removed generated test files m455
2020-04-19 da52b8e cleaned up a few procedure definitions m455
2020-04-17 e829b59 added some comments in the shell scripts m455
2020-04-17 45d9877 woops, forgot to clear generated directories m455
2020-04-17 63fbf6d this is probably some of the most cursed code ever m455
2020-04-16 73df830 i forgot to push m455
2020-04-16 d8cd0bb made things just a teensie bit easier to read. going to bed now m455
2020-04-16 3f929cd things are slowly coming together! m455
2020-04-16 2a8937e this is so broken right now. packing up for the night m455
2020-04-15 eaba0b8 no, i dont feel like documenting this project m455
2020-04-15 6f6ce3b bloop m455
2020-04-15 671dc08 bloop m455
2020-04-15 9a2d7cd bloop m455
2020-04-15 c3d6af5 removed a bit of documentation to keep this project fun m455
2020-04-15 29c6110 removed a bit of documentation to keep this project fun m455
2020-04-15 b7abdd1 placed both examples on new lines m455
2020-04-15 3a2b1ec added a usage syntax section, and fixed a typo m455
2020-04-15 44208c8 woop m455
2020-04-15 cdc5809 updated readme m455
2020-04-15 db93ba1 added a screenshot and description m455
2020-04-15 61b93ff added the test to another procedure so i don't forget to add the future copy procedure there m455
2020-04-15 ed02ff9 and now there is css! m455
2020-04-15 114b5ab removed preview/ directory, because it didn't really make sense to keep it m455
2020-04-14 bde51ef renamed 'public to 'publish m455
2020-04-14 57dac78 stuff is happening! m455
2020-04-14 dfdf9cd big update, but mysterious bug m455
2020-04-14 8366360 brackets or more visible? m455
2020-04-14 3d3e19f updated name m455
2020-04-14 e095f2c the rewrite has started! meet pandoc! m455
2020-04-12 258b876 updated readme m455
2020-03-22 4a3be82 pushing to notabug m455
2020-01-17 bcadf67 somethings coming out of this! m455
2020-01-12 1e085e7 fixed parameter names, broke down a few procedures into other procedures m455
2020-01-11 925d33e fixed working of readme a bit m455
2020-01-11 270380e updated readme with a note to other git-hosting services this repository is available at m455
2020-01-11 0e81a58 renamed a few procedures and parameters m455
2020-01-11 bc6137d changed tester to example and put a note in the readme regarding the example m455
2020-01-11 24cb33f Create LICENSE Jesse Laprade
2020-01-11 e9740e7 trying this again m455
2020-01-11 2b001ec initial commit with testing file m455