
clone url: git://


1 (import utf8
2 spiffy
3 lowdown
4 (chicken sort)
5 (chicken string)
6 (chicken irregex)
7 (chicken io)
8 (chicken format)
9 (chicken file)
10 (chicken port)
11 (chicken pathname)
12 (chicken time posix)
13 (chicken process)
14 (chicken process-context))
16 (include "src/static.scm")
17 (include "src/utils.scm")
19 (define (markup->html source-file-contents)
20 (with-output-to-string ;; left off here
21 (lambda () (markdown->html source-file-contents))))
23 (define (markup->rss-item source-pathname)
24 (let ((markup-body (string-populate (file->string source-pathname) *config-data*)))
25 (string-populate
26 (file->string (get *config-data* 'rss-item-template))
27 `((page-title ,(string->title markup-body))
28 (page-url ,(pathname->url source-pathname 'with-https-prefix))
29 (page-date ,(date->rss-date (string->date markup-body)))))))
31 ;; this populates variables in the html template file, and the populates the
32 ;; variables in the body contents, which are created by people in their source
33 ;; files
34 ;;
35 ;; note: the title of the source page should exist on the first line in the
36 ;; file, because the source page is checked by string->title to
37 ;; extract the title of the post
38 (define (populate-html-page source-file-contents)
39 (string-populate
40 (file->string (get *config-data* 'html-page-template))
41 (append `((page-contents ,(markup->html source-file-contents))
42 (rss-file ,(get *config-data* 'rss-file))
43 (css ,(file->string (get *config-data* 'css-file)))
44 (page-title ,(string->title source-file-contents)))
45 *config-data*)))
47 ;; source-pathname = source/posts/2021/somefile.txt
48 (define (create-html-file source-pathname)
49 (let* ((source-file-contents (file->string source-pathname))
50 (destination-pathname-markup (pathname->destination-pathname source-pathname)) ;; => build/posts/2021/somefile.txt
51 (destination-pathname (pathname-replace-extension destination-pathname-markup "html")) ;; => build/posts/2021/somefile.html
52 (html-content (populate-html-page source-file-contents)))
53 (file-write destination-pathname html-content)))
55 (define (generate-rss-feed source-posts)
56 (let* ((rss-feed-without-items (string-populate
57 (file->string (get *config-data* 'rss-channel-template))
58 `((domain ,(get *config-data* 'domain))
59 (rss-file ,(get *config-data* 'rss-file)))))
60 (rss-items-list (map markup->rss-item source-posts))
61 (rss-feed (string-populate
62 rss-feed-without-items
63 `((rss-items ,(string-intersperse rss-items-list "\n")))))
64 (rss-pathname (make-pathname (get *config-data* 'build-directory) (get *config-data* 'rss-file))))
65 (file-write rss-pathname rss-feed)))
67 ;; takes a list like this:
68 ;; '("/posts/2022/hey.txt"
69 ;; "/posts/2021/yep.txt"
70 ;; "/posts/2020/fuck.txt")
71 (define (generate-posts-page source-posts)
72 (let* ((links-list (map (lambda (post-pathname)
73 (let ((title (string->title (file->string post-pathname)))
74 (url (pathname->url post-pathname 'no-prefix)))
75 (format "- [~a](~a)" title url)))
76 source-posts))
77 (links-str (string-intersperse links-list "\n"))
78 (markup (string-populate
79 (file->string (get *config-data* 'posts-page-template))
80 `((links ,links-str)))))
81 (file-write (make-pathname
82 (pathname->destination-pathname (get *config-data* 'posts-directory))
83 "index"
84 "html")
85 (populate-html-page markup))))
87 ;; first, create a list like this:
88 ;; '((20210122 "/posts/2021/yep.txt")
89 ;; (20220122 "/posts/2022/hey.txt")
90 ;; (20200122 "/posts/2020/fuck.txt"))
91 ;; , then reverse sort it by the dates (the car of the list)
92 ;; , and then remove the dates, so you get a list like this:
93 ;; '("/posts/2022/hey.txt"
94 ;; "/posts/2021/yep.txt"
95 ;; "/posts/2020/fuck.txt")
96 (define (reverse-sort-posts source-posts)
97 (let ((dates-and-pathnames (map (lambda (pathname)
98 (list (string->date (file->string pathname))
99 pathname))
100 source-posts)))
101 (map cadr (sort dates-and-pathnames
102 (lambda (date-path-pair-x date-path-pair-y)
103 (string>? (car date-path-pair-x) (car date-path-pair-y)))))))
105 ;; commands ====================================================================
106 ;; preview -------------------------------------------------
107 (define (preview)
108 (set! *config-data* (load-config-file))
109 (server-port 8000)
110 (root-path (get *config-data* 'build-directory))
111 (displayln "you can preview your website at")
112 (displayln "press ctrl-c to stop the server")
113 (start-server))
115 ;; build ---------------------------------------------------
116 (define (build)
117 (set! *config-data* (load-config-file))
118 (let* ((source-pathnames (find-files (get *config-data* 'source-directory)))
119 (assets-pathnames (find-files (get *config-data* 'assets-directory)))
120 (source-files (filter (lambda (path)
121 (and (file-exists? path)
122 (not (directory-exists? path))))
123 source-pathnames))
124 (assets-files (filter (lambda (pathname)
125 (and (file-exists? pathname)
126 (not (directory-exists? pathname))))
127 assets-pathnames))
128 (directories (append (filter directory-exists? source-pathnames)
129 (filter directory-exists? assets-pathnames))))
131 ;; clean build directory
132 (when (equal? (get *config-data* 'clean-build-directory?) "yes")
133 (let ((build-dir (get *config-data* 'build-directory)))
134 (displayln-format "clearing your ~a directory..." build-dir)
135 (delete-directory build-dir #t)
136 (create-directory build-dir #t)))
138 ;; copy directory structure of source and asset directories
139 (when (not (null? directories))
140 (displayln-format "copying the directory structure of your ~a and ~a directories..."
141 (get *config-data* 'source-directory)
142 (get *config-data* 'assets-directory))
143 (for-each (lambda (dir) (create-directory dir #t))
144 (map pathname->destination-pathname directories)))
146 ;; copy assets over
147 (when (not (null? assets-files))
148 (displayln "copying assets...")
149 (for-each (lambda (file) (copy-file file (pathname->destination-pathname file) #t))
150 assets-files))
152 ;; process source files
153 (when (not (null? source-files))
154 ;; generate html files
155 (displayln "generating html files...")
156 (for-each create-html-file source-files)
158 (let ((source-posts (reverse-sort-posts
159 (filter (lambda (path)
160 (and (file-exists? path)
161 (not (directory-exists? path))))
162 (find-files (get *config-data* 'posts-directory))))))
163 ;; generate list of posts at build/posts/index.html
164 (when (equal? (get *config-data* 'generate-posts-page?) "yes")
165 (displayln "building a list of posts...")
166 (generate-posts-page source-posts)
168 ;; generate rss feed
169 (when (equal? (get *config-data* 'generate-rss-feed?) "yes")
170 (displayln "building an rss feed...")
171 (generate-rss-feed source-posts)))))
172 (displayln "done building your website!")))
174 ;; init ----------------------------------------------------
175 (define (init)
176 (if (file-exists? CONFIG-FILE)
177 (set! *config-data* (load-config-file))
178 (begin (file-write CONFIG-FILE *config-data*)
179 (set! *config-data* (load-config-file))))
181 (for-each (lambda (directory) (create-directory directory #t))
182 (list (get *config-data* 'build-directory)
183 (get *config-data* 'source-directory)
184 (get *config-data* 'posts-directory)
185 (get *config-data* 'assets-directory)
186 (get *config-data* 'templates-directory)))
188 (for-each (lambda (pair)
189 (let* ((file (car pair))
190 (contents (cadr pair))
191 (directory (pathname-directory file)))
192 (when directory (create-directory directory #t))
193 (when (not (file-exists? file))
194 (file-write file contents))))
195 (list (list (get *config-data* 'css-file) DEFAULT-CONTENTS-CSS)
196 (list (get *config-data* 'html-page-template) DEFAULT-CONTENTS-HTML-PAGE)
197 (list (get *config-data* 'posts-page-template) DEFAULT-CONTENTS-POSTS-PAGE)
198 (list (get *config-data* 'rss-channel-template) DEFAULT-CONTENTS-RSS-CHANNEL)
199 (list (get *config-data* 'rss-item-template) DEFAULT-CONTENTS-RSS-ITEM)))
201 (displayln "initialized default files and directory for your website!"))
203 ;; help ---------------------------------------------------
204 (define help-message
205 #<<string-block
206 help - display this help message.
207 init - create the files and directories that are required for generating a website.
208 build - generate a website
209 preview - preview your website on a local http server
210 string-block
211 )
213 (define (main args)
214 (if (null? args)
215 (displayln help-message)
216 (case (string->symbol (car args))
217 ((--help -help help -h)
218 (displayln help-message))
219 ('init (init))
220 ('build (build))
221 ('preview (preview))
222 (else (displayln help-message)))))
224 (main (command-line-arguments))