
clone url: git://


1 ;; This module is responsible for turning bytes of source code into an AST
2 ;; data structure.
4 (local utils (require :fennel.utils))
5 (local friend (require :fennel.friend))
6 (local unpack (or _G.unpack table.unpack))
8 (fn granulate [getchunk]
9 "Convert a stream of chunks to a stream of bytes.
10 Also returns a second function to clear the buffer in the byte stream"
11 (var (c index done?) (values "" 1 false))
12 (values (fn [parser-state]
13 (when (not done?)
14 (if (<= index (# c))
15 (let [b (c:byte index)]
16 (set index (+ index 1))
17 b)
18 (match (getchunk parser-state)
19 (char ? (not= char "")) (do (set c char)
20 (set index 2)
21 (c:byte))
22 _ (set done? true)))))
23 (fn [] (set c ""))))
25 (fn string-stream [str]
26 "Convert a string into a stream of bytes."
27 (let [str (str:gsub "^#![^\n]*\n" "")] ; remove shebang
28 (var index 1)
29 (fn []
30 (let [r (str:byte index)]
31 (set index (+ index 1))
32 r))))
34 ;; Table of delimiter bytes - (, ), [, ], {, }
35 ;; Opener keys have closer as the value; closers keys have true as their value.
36 (local delims {40 41 41 true
37 91 93 93 true
38 123 125 125 true})
40 (fn whitespace? [b]
41 (or (= b 32) (and (>= b 9) (<= b 13))))
43 (fn symbolchar? [b]
44 (and (> b 32)
45 (not (. delims b))
46 (not= b 127) ; backspace
47 (not= b 34) ; backslash
48 (not= b 39) ; single quote
49 (not= b 126) ; tilde
50 (not= b 59) ; semicolon
51 (not= b 44) ; comma
52 (not= b 64) ; at
53 (not= b 96))) ; backtick
55 ;; prefix chars substituted while reading
56 (local prefixes {35 "hashfn" ; #
57 39 "quote" ; '
58 44 "unquote" ; ,
59 96 "quote"}); `
61 (fn parser [getbyte filename options]
62 "Parse one value given a function that returns sequential bytes.
63 Will throw an error as soon as possible without getting more bytes on bad input.
64 Returns if a value was read, and then the value read. Will return nil when input
65 stream is finished."
66 (var stack []) ; stack of unfinished values
67 ;; Provide one character buffer and keep track of current line and byte index
68 (var line 1)
69 (var byteindex 0)
70 (var lastb nil)
72 (fn ungetb [ub]
73 (when (= ub 10)
74 (set line (- line 1)))
75 (set byteindex (- byteindex 1))
76 (set lastb ub))
78 (fn getb []
79 (var r nil)
80 (if lastb
81 (set (r lastb) (values lastb nil))
82 (set r (getbyte {:stack-size (# stack)})))
83 (set byteindex (+ byteindex 1))
84 (when (= r 10)
85 (set line (+ line 1)))
86 r)
88 ;; If you add new calls to this function, please update fennel.friend as well
89 ;; to add suggestions for how to fix the new error!
90 (fn parse-error [msg byteindex-override]
91 (let [{: source : unfriendly} (or options utils.root.options {})]
92 (utils.root.reset)
93 (if unfriendly
94 (error (string.format "Parse error in %s:%s: %s" (or filename :unknown)
95 (or line "?") msg) 0)
96 (friend.parse-error msg (or filename "unknown") (or line "?")
97 (or byteindex-override byteindex) source))))
99 (fn parse-stream []
100 (var (whitespace-since-dispatch done? retval) true)
101 (fn dispatch [v]
102 "Dispatch when we complete a value"
103 (match (. stack (# stack))
104 nil (set (retval done? whitespace-since-dispatch) (values v true false))
105 {: prefix} (do (table.remove stack)
106 (dispatch (utils.list (utils.sym prefix) v)))
107 top (do (set whitespace-since-dispatch false)
108 (table.insert top v))))
110 (fn badend []
111 "Throw nice error when we expect more characters but reach end of stream."
112 (let [accum ( stack "closer")]
113 (parse-error (string.format "expected closing delimiter%s %s"
114 (if (= (# stack) 1) "" "s")
115 (string.char (unpack accum))))))
117 (fn skip-whitespace [b]
118 (if (and b (whitespace? b))
119 (do (set whitespace-since-dispatch true)
120 (skip-whitespace (getb)))
121 (and (not b) (> (# stack) 0))
122 (badend)
123 b))
125 (fn skip-comment [b]
126 (if (and b (not= 10 b))
127 (skip-comment (getb))
128 b))
130 (fn open-table [b]
131 (when (not whitespace-since-dispatch)
132 (parse-error (.. "expected whitespace before opening delimiter "
133 (string.char b))))
134 (table.insert stack {:bytestart byteindex :closer (. delims b)
135 :filename filename :line line}))
137 (fn close-list [list]
138 (dispatch (setmetatable list (getmetatable (utils.list)))))
140 (fn close-sequence [tbl]
141 (let [val (utils.sequence (unpack tbl))]
142 ;; for table literals we can store file/line/offset source
143 ;; data in fields on the table itself, because the AST node
144 ;; *is* the table, and the fields would show up in the
145 ;; compiled output. keep them on the metatable instead.
146 (each [k v (pairs tbl)]
147 (tset (getmetatable val) k v))
148 (dispatch val)))
150 (fn close-curly-table [tbl]
151 (let [val []] ; a {} table
152 (when (not= (% (# tbl) 2) 0)
153 (set byteindex (- byteindex 1))
154 (parse-error "expected even number of values in table literal"))
155 (setmetatable val tbl) ; see note above about source data
156 (for [i 1 (# tbl) 2]
157 (when (and (= (tostring (. tbl i)) ":")
158 (utils.sym? (. tbl (+ i 1)))
159 (utils.sym? (. tbl i)))
160 (tset tbl i (tostring (. tbl (+ i 1)))))
161 (tset val (. tbl i) (. tbl (+ i 1))))
162 (dispatch val)))
164 (fn close-table [b]
165 (let [top (table.remove stack)]
166 (when (= top nil)
167 (parse-error (.. "unexpected closing delimiter " (string.char b))))
168 (when (not= top.closer b)
169 (parse-error (.. "mismatched closing delimiter " (string.char b)
170 ", expected " (string.char top.closer))))
171 (set top.byteend byteindex) ; set closing byte index
172 (if (= b 41) (close-list top)
173 (= b 93) (close-sequence top)
174 (close-curly-table top))))
176 (fn parse-string-loop [chars b state]
177 (table.insert chars b)
178 (let [state (match [state b]
179 [:base 92] :backslash
180 [:base 34] :done
181 _ :base)]
182 (if (and b (not= state :done))
183 (parse-string-loop chars (getb) state)
184 b)))
186 (fn parse-string []
187 (table.insert stack {:closer 34})
188 (let [chars [34]]
189 (when (not (parse-string-loop chars (getb) :base))
190 (badend))
191 (table.remove stack)
192 (let [raw (string.char (unpack chars))
193 formatted (raw:gsub "[\1-\31]" (fn [c] (.. "\\" (c:byte))))
194 load-fn ((or _G.loadstring load) (.. "return " formatted))]
195 (dispatch (load-fn)))))
197 (fn parse-prefix [b]
198 "expand prefix byte into wrapping form eg. '`a' into '(quote a)'"
199 (table.insert stack {:prefix (. prefixes b)})
200 (let [nextb (getb)]
201 (when (whitespace? nextb)
202 (when (not= b 35)
203 (parse-error "invalid whitespace after quoting prefix"))
204 (table.remove stack)
205 (dispatch (utils.sym "#")))
206 (ungetb nextb)))
208 (fn parse-sym-loop [chars b]
209 (if (and b (symbolchar? b))
210 (do (table.insert chars b)
211 (parse-sym-loop chars (getb)))
212 (do (when b (ungetb b))
213 chars)))
215 (fn parse-number [rawstr]
216 (let [force-number (rawstr:match "^%d")
217 number-with-stripped-underscores (rawstr:gsub "_" "")]
218 (if force-number
219 (do (dispatch (or (tonumber number-with-stripped-underscores)
220 (parse-error (.. "could not read number \""
221 rawstr "\""))))
222 true)
223 (match (tonumber number-with-stripped-underscores)
224 x (do (dispatch x) true)
225 _ false))))
227 (fn check-malformed-sym [rawstr]
228 ;; for backwards-compatibility, special-case allowance of ~= but
229 ;; all other uses of ~ are disallowed
230 (if (and (rawstr:match "^~") (not= rawstr "~="))
231 (parse-error "illegal character: ~")
232 (rawstr:match "%.[0-9]")
233 (parse-error (.. "can't start multisym segment "
234 "with a digit: " rawstr)
235 (+ (+ (- byteindex (# rawstr))
236 (rawstr:find "%.[0-9]")) 1))
237 (and (rawstr:match "[%.:][%.:]")
238 (not= rawstr "..") (not= rawstr "$..."))
239 (parse-error (.. "malformed multisym: " rawstr)
240 (+ (- byteindex (# rawstr)) 1
241 (rawstr:find "[%.:][%.:]")))
242 (rawstr:match ":.+[%.:]")
243 (parse-error (.. "method must be last component "
244 "of multisym: " rawstr)
245 (+ (- byteindex (# rawstr))
246 (rawstr:find ":.+[%.:]")))))
248 (fn parse-sym [b] ; not just syms actually...
249 (let [bytestart byteindex
250 rawstr (string.char (unpack (parse-sym-loop [b] (getb))))]
251 (if (= rawstr "true")
252 (dispatch true)
253 (= rawstr "false")
254 (dispatch false)
255 (= rawstr "...")
256 (dispatch (utils.varg))
257 (rawstr:match "^:.+$")
258 (dispatch (rawstr:sub 2))
259 (parse-number rawstr) nil
260 (check-malformed-sym rawstr) nil
261 (dispatch (utils.sym rawstr nil {:byteend byteindex
262 :bytestart bytestart
263 :filename filename
264 :line line})))))
266 (fn parse-loop [b]
267 (if (not b) nil
268 (= b 59) (skip-comment (getb))
269 (= (type (. delims b)) :number) (open-table b)
270 (. delims b) (close-table b)
271 (= b 34) (parse-string b)
272 (. prefixes b) (parse-prefix b)
273 (or (symbolchar? b) (= b (string.byte "~"))) (parse-sym b)
274 (parse-error (.. "illegal character: " (string.char b))))
276 (if (not b) nil ; EOF
277 done? (values true retval)
278 (parse-loop (skip-whitespace (getb)))))
280 (parse-loop (skip-whitespace (getb))))
281 (values parse-stream (fn [] (set stack []))))
283 {: granulate : parser : string-stream}