
clone url: git://


1 -- -*- lua -*-
3 package = "fennel"
4 version = "0.4.2-2"
5 source = {
6 -- use URL to a pre-built release archive so the standalone launcher can be used
7 url = "",
8 }
9 description = {
10 summary = "Lisp that compiles to Lua",
11 detailed = [[
12 A lisp-like language that compiles to efficient Lua. Combine
13 meta-programming with Lua.]],
14 homepage = "",
15 license = "MIT"
16 }
17 dependencies = {
18 "lua >= 5.1"
19 }
20 build = {
21 type = "builtin",
22 modules = {
23 fennel = "fennel.lua",
24 fennelview = "fennelview.lua",
25 fennelfriend = "fennelfriend.lua",
26 },
27 install = {
28 bin = {
29 fennel = "fennel"
30 },
31 }
32 }