
clone url: git://


Steps to release a new Fennel version

This document is intended for Fennel maintainers.


  1. Update and date the changelog.
  2. Update version number in src/fennel.fnl.
  3. Check for changes which need to be mentioned in help text or man page.
  4. Create rockspec by copying an old rockspec. Make sure luarocks version matches the file name exactly and the tarball URL is updated.
  5. Make sure tests pass for all versions of Lua using make ci.
  6. Update the download links in
  7. Commit above changes.
  8. Run git tag -s $VERSION -m $VERSION.

Uploading builds

  1. Run make release VERSION=$VERSION.
  2. Update the submodule in the repository.
  3. Run luarocks --local build rockspecs/fennel-$(VERSION)-1.rockspec
  4. Test ~/.luarocks/bin/fennel --version.
  5. Run API_KEY=... luarocks upload rockspecs/fennel-$(VERSION)-1.rockspec
  6. Run git push && git push --tags.

Announce it on the mailing list. Fennel is now released!


  1. Bump the version in src/fennel.fnl to the next version with a "-dev" suffix.
  2. Add a stub for the next version to