
clone url: git://


A pink, calm, and focused vim colorscheme.

Heavily influenced by vim-sunbather. I loved vim-sunbather, but wanted to modify it quite a bit, so I ended up forking it, but found the source too complex for modification. I decided to write a theme from scratch that had a simpler source.


Installing calm.vim

This section describes how to install the calm colorscheme using vim-plug, the install script, and how to install the colorschemes manually.

Using vim-plug

  1. Add the following to ~/.vimrc:

    Plug 'git://'
  2. Restart Vim.

  3. In Vim, run :PlugInstall.

  4. Add the following to ~/.vimrc:

    colorscheme calm

Using the script

  1. Run git clone git://

  2. Run cd calm.vim

  3. Run ./

  4. Add the following to ~/.vimrc:

    colorscheme calm

Installing manually

  1. Run git clone git://

  2. Run mkdir -p "$HOME/.vim/colors"

  3. Run cp calm.vim/colors/calm.vim "$HOME/.vim/colors/"

  4. Add the following to "$HOME/.vimrc":

    colorscheme calm